Relationships & Families

Cards (28)

  • Christian attitudes towards homosexuality
    Old Testament- Leviticus says ‘do not lie with a man as you do with a woman’
    St Paul - Writes ‘men who have sex with men will not inherit the kingdom of God’
    Catholics - Homosexual acts break natural law and go against God’s Plan
    Quakers- It is the ‘nature and quality of the relationship that matters’
    Pope Francis - supports civil partnerships ‘don’t judge others‘
    Situation Ethics - If a loving relationship makes both people happy it is acceptable
  • Islamic beliefs about homosexual
    Surah 26 - ‘Must you lust after males and abandon the wives God created for you?‘ Being gay violates God’s Plan and is seen as lustful
    Surah 4 - ‘Dishonour’ those who take part in homosexual acts. Demonstrates that they are wrong and should be disapproved
    Inclusive Mosque Initiative- ‘There are many ways of doing Islam’
  • Christian beliefs about sex before marriage
    Catholic Chruch - ‘Sex outside marriage always constitutes a grave sin‘ - purpose of sex is procreation in a marriage
    St Paul - ‘It is better to marry than burn with passion’ sex should only take place within marriage
    St Paul - ‘Flee from sexual immorality‘ the best way to do this is only having sexual within a committed marriage.
    Quakers - ‘It is the nature and quality of the relationship that matters‘
    Situation Ethics - Love decisions are made situationally so as long as the act is loving and not harmful it isn’t wrong
  • Islamic beliefs about sex before marriage
    Surah 24 - ‘Remain chaste’ until you are ready for marriage
    Shariah Law - Sex before marriage is punishable by 100 lashes
  • Christian beliefs about sex outside marriage
    Breaks sacred marriage vows made before God - to be in a monogamous relationship
    10 Commandments - ‘Do not commit adultery‘
    St Paul - ‘Adulterers will not inherit the kingdom of God’
  • Islamic beliefs about sex outside marriage
    Surah 17 - ‘Do not go anywhere near adultery it is an outrage and evil path’
    Shariah Law - flogging and death penalty as punishment for adultery
  • Christian beliefs about contraception
    Catholics - ‘Every sex act must remain open to the transmission of life’ - The purpose of sex is procreation so therefore contraception is seen as ‘intrinsically evil’
    Genesis 1 - ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ is a divine command from God that suggests the purpose of sex is procreation
    Church of England - It is acceptable as long as it is used in the light of Christian principles- so in marriage
    Situation Ethics - it is the most loving thing to do as it prevents STIs and helps with family planning
  • Islamic beliefs about contraception
    Surah 17 - ‘Do not kill your child for fear of poverty…we will provide for them and you‘ some methods of contraception could be seen as wrong
    Surah 4 - ‘God wishes to lighten your burdens‘ contraception can be used within marriage for the purpose of family planning and health
  • Nature of marriage in Christianity
    Monogamous - ‘One flesh’ (Genesis)
    Lifelong - ‘Until death do us part‘ (Vows)
  • Nature of Marriage in Islam
    • Monogamous or Polygamous
    • Lifelong - although divorce is permissible
  • Purpose of marriage in Christianity
    • To procreate and start a family
    • To fulfill marriage sacraments
    • To become one flesh and have a lifelong monogamous relationship
    • To have a committed and loving sexual relationship
  • Purpose of marriage in Islam
    • To support one another
    • To procreate - reproduction is a gift from God
    • To fulfil a religious responsibility - marry those among you who are single
    • To provide stability to society
  • Christian beliefs about cohabitation
    • Conservative Christians may see it as wrong as it could lead to sex before marriage
    • Liberal Christians see no problem as it is the nature and quality of the relationship that matters
    • Situation Ethics
  • Islamic belief about cohabitation
    Surah 24 - ‘remain chaste until marriage‘ it is wrong because you may be tempted to have sex before marriage
  • Christian beliefs about same-sec
    • Catholic Church and Church of England oppose it as marriage is a sacred covenant involving one man and one woman and it lead to same-sex acts which are sinful
    • Quakers and Methodists allow same-sex marriage as it is about love not gender
  • Islamic beliefs about same-sex marriage
    • Surah 26 - ‘Do not abandon the wives God has created for you’ God’s plan is for heterosexual marriage
    • Surah 4 - ‘Dishonour‘ those who take part in homosexual acts
  • Christian beliefs about divorce
    • Catholic Church - ‘Divorce is a grave offence against Natural Law’
    • Jesus - ‘What God has joined together, man shall not seperate’
    • Marriage Vows - ‘Until death do us part’ you have made this commitment in front of God
    • Church of England - ‘Some marriages do fail’ divorce is acceptable
    • Jesus - allowed divorce for sexual immorality
  • Islamic beliefs about divorce
    • Hadith - ‘The most detestable of all lawful things to Allah is divorce‘
    • Surah 2 - Those who intend to divorce their wives shall wait four months‘ Divorce can be used as a last resort with the Quran setting out a proper process to follow in these cases
  • Purpose of families in Christianity
    • Procreate
    • Provide for your family
    • ‘Bring up your children in the training and instruction of the Lord’
  • Purpose of Family in Islam
    • Procreate - ’Heaven is under the feet of the mothers
    • Raise children within the faith
    • To respect and care for elders- ‘Do good to your parents and treat them respectfully in old age’
  • Gender differences in Christianity
    • Traditionalists believe that men and women are spiritually equal but socially different
    • Women cannot be priests in Catholic Church
    • St Paul says that wives should ‘submit‘ to their husbands and that they can’t have authority over a man
  • Gender Equality in Christianity
    • Church of England allows women to be priests and bishops
    • St Paul says ‘there is neither male or female you are all one in Jesus Christ‘
    • ’They marvelled that Jesus was talking to a woman‘
  • Gender differences in Islam
    • Traditionalists believe men and women are spiritually equal but socially different
    • Men are supposed to be leaders in the community and breadwinners while women are homemakers and mothers
    • ‘Men are protectors and maintainers of women’
  • Gender Equality in Islam
    • Male and Female believers are both promised eternal life after death
    • Inclusive Mosque Initiative
  • Christian beliefs about the nature of family
    • Families should be loving - ‘Honour your mother and father‘ Ten Commandments
    • Family is the foundation of society - Pope John said it is ’the first and vital cell of society‘
  • Christian Beliefs about the purpose of family
    • Procreation - ‘Be fruitful and multiply‘
    • Education - ‘Bring up your children in the training and instruction of the Lord’
    • Protect and Provide for children - ‘Anyone who does not provide for their relatives has denied the faith’
  • Islamic beliefs about the nature of family
    • Mothers should be appreciated- ‘Heaven is under the feet of the mothers‘
    • God created family life to keep society together. They believe that it is the foundation of the community
  • Islamic beliefs about the purpose of family
    • Procreation - ‘Children are a gift from God’
    • Education - First words a child should hear is the Shahadah