
Cards (3)

  • P1 Macbeth cannot resist the irresistible allure of the self-fulfilling prophecies of the witches. Self-fulfilling because he arguably fulfills it himself he is entranced by their hypnotic predictions and is blinded by their dupliciousness
    "So foul and fair a day I have not seen!" - ACT 1
  • P2 Lady Macbeth is presented as a light to a fourth witch. She calls upon malevolent supernatural powers to help her get rid of the societal constraints imposed by her femininity
    "Come, you spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here“
    ACT 1 S5
  • P3 The witches embody the archetype of deceitful supernatural beings. They grasp Macbeth's human weakness his hubris and ambition which they easily exploit in the allure of power and status
    " No man of woman born shall harm Macbeth"
    ACT 4 S1