Microbes that drive the biogeochemical cycles and deliver ecosystem services
We know less than 1% of the microbial species on Earth!
Tools to identify and quantify microorganisms
DNA-based methods (genomics)
Used to characterise phenotypes of individual strains/cultures, or must be combined with DNA-based methods in mixed microbial communities (i.e., "FISH")
Sometimes useful for assessing function/metabolism, also can be combined with DNA-based methods (i.e. "enrichments")
DNA-based methods (genomics)
Most powerful method for characterising diversity of ALL microbes in a sample
Culture-independent approach
Allows direct identification of microbes in a sample without the need for cultivation; includes DNA-based or molecular methods
Taxonomic marker gene
Gene that is conserved among all taxa of interest; usually "housekeeping" genes (16S rRNA gene)
Functional gene
Gene that encodes a specific cellular or metabolic function; may not be conserved across all microbes in a community/sample
16S rRNA
A sequence of DNA that encodes the RNA component of the smaller subunit of the bacterial ribosome
Amplification of 16S rRNA genes by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Chain Termination (Sanger) Sequencing
DNA sequencing
Determining the sequences of nucleotides
Culture-independent methods allow us to study the taxonomy, function and abundance of microorganisms in the environment
16S rRNA gene databases
The Ribosomal Database Project (RDP-II)
Advanced Sequencing Technologies
Amplicon sequencing
Whole Genome Amplification
Amplicon sequencing
PCR-based technique, most popular is Illumina MiSeq, can sequence 16S rRNA gene or functional genes
Whole Genome Amplification
Shotgun sequencing, DNA is first shredded into small fragments, which are sequenced individually and then assembled
Sequencing of the collective genomes of all microbes in an environmental sample
Sequencing of RNA to identify actively transcribed genes, shows microbial activity
Study of all proteins from cells, identification of functional gene products, shows microbial activity