Catholic Church - origins of universe and creation

Cards (18)

  • God created the universe out of nothing - ex nihilo
  • God is omnipotent “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” - Genesis 1;1
  • God created the world in 6 days
    he rested on the 7th day
    catholics don’t take this literally
    Creationists would take it literally
  • God created animals and humans
  • Humans were created in God’s image - Imago Dei
  • Humans have free will and a soul
  • God gave dominiom ,they’re rulers , over the earth
  • Humans are meant to protect the earth
  • Humans were given stewardship of the earth, its a gift from God and should be protected
  • God created life with a purpose and saw that it was good
  • Genesis 2: God created the world then formed Adam. Eve was formed from his rib. Then they disobeyed God
  • Genesis shows :
    • God created the world
    • Humans have a special place in creatio
    • humans have stewardship of the earth
    • God is powerful and eternal
  • I’m 2015 Pope Francis wrote a letter called “Laudato Si“ (on care for our common home)
  • In Laudato si he calls all people to take better care of ”our common home” + to think carefully about how we are shaping the further of our planet
  • Pope Francis asks that we acknowledge the urgency of the environmental challenges + to change our ways to live in a more sustainable way
  • St Augustine of Hippo had thought of the idea that everything in the world is still completely dependent on God for its existence
  • In return for good stewardship the Earth provides everything humans need to survive
  • Humans don’t have the right to abuse the natural world ; instead they must live in a sustainable way