Cards (11)

  • Microbiology in Health Care
    • Preparation of guidelines for antimicrobials
    • Monitor antibiotic use and expenditure
    • Teaching health care professionals, public, and patients
    • Hospital pharmacists attend wards rounds and are a point of contact between pharmacy and other health care professionals
  • Just in our gut, we have 500-1000 bacterial species
  • Classes of microorganisms
    • Hazard Group 1 - Unlikely to cause human disease
    • Hazard Group 2 - Can cause human disease, unlikely to spread to community, effective prophylaxis or treatment available
    • Hazard Group 3 - Can cause severe human disease, may spread to community, effective prophylaxis or treatment available
    • Hazard Group 4 - Causes severe human disease, likely to spread to community, no effective prophylaxis or treatment available
  • Microbiological Lab Design
    • Safety
    • Lab research zone
    • Clean zone
    • Lab support
    • Primary barrier
    • Secondary barrier
    • Work-top benches must withstand decontamination
  • Physical infrastructure
    • Sign with biohazard symbol and containment level
    • Restricted access
    • Bench tops able to withstand heat
    • Ergonomically suitable furniture
    • Sinks with potable hot and cold water near exit
    • Open spaces between and under benches, cabinets and equipment accessible for cleaning
    • Fire control systems
    • Smooth and easy to clean walls, ceilings, etc.
  • CFU= colony forming unit, the number of cells that can form a colony
  • CFU equation = no. of CFU x dilution factor
  • Microorganism: a microscopic organism, that can exist in its single-celled form or as a colony of cells
  • Probiotics: live cultures of bacteria that are beneficial to the host
  • Why do people take probiotics after a course of antibiotics?
    To restore the good bacteria in the gut, as antibiotics wipe out the good bacteria while it targets the microbes causing the infection
  • Pathogenic bacteria: bacteria that can cause infection