Cards (8)

  • "There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his messenger"
  • Shahadah is the first pillar
  • For Shias, Shahadah is a belief rather than a practice, so it is not an obligatory act.
  • It is a simple yet profound statement expressing a Muslim's complete acceptance of and commitment to Islam.
  • Reminds Muslims of the oneness of God - Tawhid - viewed a fundamentally important Islamic belief.
  • Reminds Muslims of the importance of Prophet Muhammed and the Qurans (+ its teachings).
  • The Shahadah is...
    • The first thing new-born babies hear
    • Recited during the call to prayer and Salah
    • Repeated when someone wishes to convert to Islam with a witness present
    • Said before death to demonstrate commitment to Islam
    • Reminder for Muslims to bear witness to the truth of Islam by sharing it with others
  • Is Shahadah the most important pillar?
    • Agree: It is the declaration of faith and is needed to become a Muslim. It sums up the Islamic faith and is the first of the five pillars and the first words you hear as a Muslim.
    • Disagree: All the pillars are equally important. They are all duties that must be performed, one cannot be singled out from the others. Salah could be more important as it happens 5 times a day and is about connecting to God. Zakah could be more important as it helps others in a practical way.