Cards (8)

  • Zakah is a religious obligation to give charity and allows you to purify your wealth. Wealth is on loan from God, so some should be used to help others. A sum of 2.5% is paid on income and savings to the mosque for distribution for community to causes.
  • Children do not have to pay zakah, but some guardians may pay on their behalf.
  • In countries with Shariah Law, it is illegal to not pay Zakah.
  • The Nisab threshold
    The minimum amount a Muslim must have before being prescribed to pay Zakah
  • "Alms are for the poor and needy" Surah 2
  • "Know that whatever you acquire, a fifth of it is for Allah, for the Messenger, for the near relative and the orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer" Surah 8
  • Khums means a fifth in Arabic. This tax is paid on any profit earned by Shia muslims. Traditionally recipients of khums have been decicded by Shia leaders. For example: Descendants of Muhammed, Education projects and those in need.
  • The importance of giving Zakah includes:
    • To purify and cleanse your wealth - makes the remaining money clean
    • Share the blessing of wealth
    • Prevents greed
    • Money benefits both the giver and receiver (giver in afterlife)
    • If everyone gave zakah there would be no poverty - stewardship
    • Fulfils your duty