Neural AO3

Cards (9)

  • Supported by PET scans of OCD patients taken while their symptoms are active. The scans showed heightened activities in the orbitofrontal cortex.
  • A weakness of the neural explanation is that correlational studies do not indicate a causal relationship. It is possible that OCD causes abnormal brain function (rather than abnormal brain function causing OCD) or both are influenced by a third factor
  • The explanation has real life application as it helps experts learn how to use drugs to treat OCD
  • Alternative explanations such as cognitive and learning are not considered
  • OCD may be maintained through operant conditioning
  • Social learning theory can be an explanation. Observing and imitating family members with OCD
  • Cognition: irrational thoughts causing irrational behaviours
  • Life events: patients with OCD often experience more traumatic events 6 months before onset. Those who experienced sexual abuse are 5 times more likely to develop OCD
  • The biological approach is reductionist