Macronucleus - large, polyploid, center of cellular control and regulation
Locomotory organelles
Flagellum - a central axoneme and outer sheath; at base kinetosome (basal body, blepharoplast)
Cilium or cilia - may have tactile function; may fuse to form cirrus, membranelle or undulating membrane
Pseudopod - temporary organelle
Some protozoans have no readily visible locomotory organelle - move by gliding smoothly along without change in shape, in Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, and coccidian sporozoites and merozoites
Protozoans are mostly chemoheterotrophs
Food acquisition
By phagocytosis (e.g. amebas) or by a permanent one such as cytostome (e.g. ciliates) or micropore (e.g. Apicomplexan merozoites)
Pinocytosis - ingesting fluid food through small, temporary openings in the body wall
Waste excretion
By diffusion through the body wall
By exocytosis (transported out of the cell when food vacuoles come in contact with the cell membrane)
Through a permanent posterior opening called cytopyge
Contractile vacuole - for osmoregulation
Types of asexual reproduction
Binary fission - most common, divide completely into 2 daughter cells
Multiple fission (Schizogony/Merogony) - the nucleus divides several times before the cytoplasm (in the Apicomplexa)
Budding - a small daughter, which grows to full size later, separates from the side of a parent cell; in Babesia spp.
Endodyogeny - internal budding resulting in 2 daughter cells
Endopolygeny - internal budding resulting in more than 2 daughter cells
Ectopolygeny - external budding resulting in more than 2 daughter cells
Plasmotomy - special form of binary fission in which a multinucleate organism divides into smaller multinucleate daughter individuals by cytoplasmic division but without mitosis followed by karyokinesis of the daughter cells, e.g. Opalina
Types of sexual reproduction
Conjugation - 2 individuals come together temporarily and fused partly, macronuclei degenerate, micronuclei divide several times, exchange of one of their resultant haploid pronuclei (in ciliates)
Syngamy - 2 gametes fuse, zygote may either divide to form sporozoites (sporogony or sporulation), or not
Formation of gametes
Sporogony or sporulation
Formation of sporozoites
Cysts (or oocysts in coccidia)
May be formed by some protozoa where a thick wall is produced by the protozoa around itself
Refer to the motile or vegetative stage of a protozoa; may have special names
General effects of parasitic protozoa/unicellular parasites
Absorb nutrients e.g. glucose by trypanosomes
Interfere with absorption of food e.g. Giardia, Cryptosporidium
Produce toxin e.g. sarcocystin by Sarcocystis
Destroy tissues or cells e.g. coccidia, blood parasites
Stimulate or interfere with host immune system (e.g. depressed immune response of hosts infected with Trypanosoma evansi)
Premunity (premunition)
Stimulation of immunity by low grade infection, e.g. in Babesia spp. infections