Turn the light on and leave the pondweed for 5 minutes
Count the number of bubbles produced in a fixed period of time or measure how much gas is collected in a fixed period of time using a gas syringe
Repeat to identify anomalees and calculate averages
Repeat for different distances and temperatures
You leave the pondweed 5 minutes after the lamp has been turned on before counting bubbles to give the pondweed time to acclimatise
Use a lamp with a LED bulb
Sodium hydrogen carbonate may be added tot he water to ensure that there is an excess of carbon dioxide
Bubbles are produced by the pondweed during the photosynthesis experiment because oxygen is a product of photosynthesis and so when the pondweed photosynthesises it makes bubbles of the gas that we can count
The temperature can be controlled by adding the pondweed sample to a beaver of water to help maintain the temperature
Discs would rise to the surface because they have made oxygen which causes them to float to the surface