
Cards (11)

  • The student movement-
    • Support for the war decreased
    • Many young people rejected the attitudes of previous generations and wanted change
    • Many students were opposed to the draft system
    • Believed the war was an example of the government's abuse of power
    • Student numbers increased to 8.5 million in 1970
  • Impact of media coverage
    • Americans started to believe reporters more than politicians
    • Feeling that government couldn't be trusted
    • Revealed brutality of conflict and appalling injuries from US tactics
    • Showed US had little hope of winning the war
    • It was the first war to be televised to great detail
  • Media coverage
    Reporters able to travel with troops, take pictures and videos, report back.
    E.g. The Pentagon Papers in 1971 increased opposition, showed government confusion and lies to public.
  • The draft system-
    • 1966: The first men were drafted, they were chosen because they were viewed as 'delinquents' (petty criminals)
    • Next were volunteers
    • Then men aged 18-25
    • 1969: A lottery system was established, men born between 1944 and 1950 were given a number that was chosen at random
    • Of the 2.6 million soldiers that served, 650000 were draftees
  • Impact of the draft system-
    • Poorest were hit hardest as the rich could avoid being drafted
    • Some people burned their draft cards or refused to join so they had to go into hiding
  • My Lai Massacre 1968
    US troops were sent to the village of My Lai. They were expecting Vietcong but only found women, children and old men. They killed everyone (over 500 civilians) and possibly raped some of them. The government tried to cover it up. Lt Calley led the mission and was found guilty of 22 murders after stating he had been acting on direct orders from army officials.
    Public reaction to the massacre
    • Shock that they would kill defenceless people
    • Uneasiness because the US hid it from the public and now they can't trust the government
  • Kent State University Shootings
    • A group of students buried a copy of the US constitution in protest to Nixon invading Cambodia
    • There were several demonstrations and a military training building was set on fire
    • The numbers of protesters increased to over 1000
    • The national guard was called out and tear gas was used to disperse the demonstrations
    • 2000 people were protesting and the national guard opened fire (killing 4 and injuring 9)
    • Public was outraged and photos were published across the world
  • Support for the Vietnam war:
    • Fear of communism
    • Patriotism - Wanted to keep USA's standings in the world as high as possible and didn't want to lose
    • Hard hats - construction workers who were a symbol of the many working class people who supported the war
    • The silent majority - 77% of Americans supported the war meaning Nixon could show North Vietnam he had support
  • US reasons for peace negotiations:
    • Victory no longer seemed possible
    • Growing opposition the the war
    • Congress reluctant to finance the war
    • Nixon keen to appear the peacemaker in Vietnam for political gain in the US
    NV reasons for peace:
    • China & USSR wanted peace and could withdraw help
    • Heavy bombing . Joint reasons:
    • High casualties, costs of the war, to prevent the war dragging on
  • Significance of the Paris Peace Agreement 1973-
    • Gave the US an opportunity to withdraw from the war but didn't help South Vietnam
    • SV economy crashed due to bad harvests and a large reduction in US aid & investment
    • SV government became less popular and Vietcong became more popular
    • NV continued to seek a united, communist Vietnam but the south refused
    • Fighting resumed but the ARVN lost and Congress refused to approve funds
    • Saigon fell in 1975
  • Key agreements of the peace negotiations -
    • All countries would accept Vietnam as a single reunified country
    • There would be an immediate ceasefire
    • US troops, equipment and advisers would be withdrawn and military bases removed
    • No US intervention in Vietnamese politics or military
    • The government of a new unified Vietnam would be chosen in fair and independent elections