Gate control theory - Peripheral modulation
1. Gate mechanism in the substantia gelatinosa in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord influences the transmission of pain
2. Gate open - pain signals transmitted to the brain
3. Opened by activity in the A delta and C pain fibres
4. Gate closed - pain signals can't be transmitted to the brain
5. Closed by activity in the larger touch fibres
6. Primary afferent nerves carry touch signals (A-beta fibres) enter the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
7. Activated pain fibres inhibit the inhibitory interneuron -> suppress activity (double negative) -> Pain signals transmitted to the second order neuron and sent to the cortex (= gate open)
8. Activation of touch fibres will have an excitatory effect on the inhibitory interneuron -> exerts 'inhibitory' effect -> Pain signals blocked from reaching the brain (= gate closes)