Cards (200)

  • Central Nervous System
    brain and spinal cord
  • Spinal cord
    long cylinder of neural tissue from the medulla of the brain to the middle of the back
  • Peripheral nervous system
    the nerves that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body
  • Sensory neurons
    carry information from the external environment/body to the CNS
  • Motor neurons
    carry commands from the CNS to the muscles and glands of the body
  • Interneurons
    neurons that have neither sensory nor motor functions
  • Brainstem
    part of the brain that includes the midbrain, pons, and medulla
  • Medulla
    the base of the brainstem, right above the spinal cord
  • What does the medulla do
    manages essential functions for life like heart rate and blood pressure
  • Pons
    part of the brainstem that's in between the medulla and midbrain
  • Cerebellum
    at the back of the brain, attached to the brainstem that is involved in movements and cognitive processing
  • Midbrain
    top of the brainstem that is involved in sensory reflexes, movement, and pain
  • Reticular formation
    nerve network that goes through the brainstem involved with mood, arousal, and sleep
  • Thalamus
    involved with sensory information, states of arousal, learning, and memory
  • Basal ganglia
    a set of subcortical structures that directs intentional movements
  • Hypothalamus
    involved with regulation/maintenance activities (thirst, hunger, etc.)
  • Hippocampus
    participates with memory processing
  • Cingulate cortex, and what do the front and back segments do
    structure above the corpus callosum
    - front segment: decision-making and emotion
    - back segment: memory and visual processing
  • Amygdala
    two lima bean-sized neural clusters in the limbic system; linked to emotion.
  • Nucleus accumbens
    a subcortical structure that participates in reward and addiction
  • Cerebral cortex
    thin layer of neurons on the outside of the cerebral hemispheres
  • Frontal lobe
    the portion of the cerebral cortex lying just behind the forehead; involved in complex cognitive processes
  • Parietal lobe
    top of the head and toward; receives sensory input for touch and body position
  • Occipital lobe
    back of the brain; involved with vision
  • Temporal lobe

    on the sides, involved with hearing
  • Somatic nervous system
    part of the peripheral nervous system that brings sensory information to the central nervous system and tells commands to muscles
  • Autonomic nervous system
    part of the peripheral nervous system that controls glands, muscles, and organs
  • Sympathetic nervous system
    subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that is involved with alertness/arousal
  • Parasympathetic nervous system
    subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that is involved with rest/repair
  • Enteric nervous system
    subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that is the nervous system of the digestive system
  • Neuron
    cell of the nervous system that sends and receives neural information
  • Cell body
    biggest part of a neuron, contains the nucleus
  • Axon
    long branch of a neuron that is responsible for transmitting information to other neurons
  • Dendrite
    branch-like parts of a neuron that receive information
  • Myelin
    layer of fatty substance that protects the axon
  • Action potential
    the electrical signal that moves down the neuron's axon
  • Resting potential
    the electrical charge when a neuron is not processing information
  • Synapse
    a small gap between neuron that are communicating
  • Neurotransmitter
    chemical messengers that cross the synaptic gaps between neurons
  • Receptor
    special structure in the membrane of a neuron that interacts with neurotransmitters that were released by other neurons