Transmission of nerve impulses
1. When a neuron isn't carrying an impulse, ions are pumped in and out of the axon, inside the axon is negative and outside is positive
2. The threshold is the minimum stimulus needed to cause an impulse to be carried
3. If the threshold is reached, an impulse is carried, if not, no impulse is carried
4. No matter how strong the stimulus is, once it's above the threshold level the impulse is carried
5. Sensitivity to different degrees of stimulation depends on the number of neurons stimulated and the frequency with which they send their impulses
6. Once the threshold is reached, the axon/dendrite changes its permeability to ions
7. At the site of stimulation, inside the axon becomes positive and outside negative
8. A chain reaction is set up and a movement of positive charge runs along the inside once the impulse has moved along, the area behind is restored to its resting state