Cards (4)

  • Evidence for investigative psychology - Canter and Heritage (1990) conducted an analysis of 66 sexual assault cases. Data was analysed using smallest space analysis. Several behaviours identified common in different samples of behaviour. eg. impersonal language use and lack of reaction to victims. Can help to identify case linkage. (establish if two or more offences were commited by the same person.
  • Coutnerpoint to evidence.. - However, case linkage depends on data base and this will only consist of historical criems which have been solved. Because it makes it relatovely straightforward to link crimes together in the first place. Suggests investigative psychology may tell us little about crimes which have few links or are unsolved.
  • Georaphical profiling support - Lundrigan and Canter (2001) collated information from 120 murder cases involving serial killers. Smallest space analysis revealed spatial consistency in killers behaviours. The location of each body disposable site because offenders may go in different direction when disposing a body - creates a circular effect around homebase. The effect was more noticeable where offenders travelled short distances therefore geographical profiling can aid identifying criminals.
  • x - geographical information insufficient - Recording of crime may vary between police forces and estimated 75% of crimes are not recorded (dark figure crimes) as a success of geo profiling is reliant on quality of data provided by police. Even if the information is correct, critics claim that other factors eg. age and time (Ainsworth - 2001), Questions reliability.