Renal Diseases, Dialysis & Transplantation

Cards (20)

  • Kidney Function:
    Excrete waste including dental drugs
    Regulate fluid volume and acid / base
    Maintenance of blood pressure
    Synthesise three hormones:
    erythropoietin: RBC production
    renin: BP control
    1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol: Vitamin D metabolism and calcium control
  • kidney is a target organ for...
    parathormone - regulates calcium levels in the body
    aldosterone - regulates blood pressure by managing sodium and potassium levels in the body
    anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) - regulates volume of water in the body
  • Normal parameters:
    Filter (GFR) 100ml / min (150L / day)
    99% of the 100ml / min is reabsorbed
    Urine production 0.5 - 1.5 ml / kg / hr (1- 2.5 L per day (70Kg)
    Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is estimated from blood creatinine level, age, race & gender
  • Kidney disease:
    Asymptomatic until advanced stage
    Affects 15% of UK population over age 35
    Up to 40% of those affected are unaware
    Hypertension and Diabetes are main risk factors
    Asian and Black Caribbean at most risk
  • risk factors for kidney disease
    diabetes: 38%
    hypertension: 26%
    glomerulonephritis: 16%
    other diseases: remaining 20%
    Modifiable risk factor:
    cardiovascular problem: MI etc
    tabacco usage
  • kidney disease stages
    Healthy, normal GFR is 100. This gives approximate % of kidney
    Stage 4 and 5, transplant or dialysis patients are at high risk for dental treatment
    Stage 1: >90
    Stage 2: <90, >60
    Stage 3: <60, >30
    Stage 4:<30, >15
    Stage 5:<15
  • Consequence for kidney diseases:
    - Increased cardiovascular risk
    - Anaemia & reduced immunity (low erythropoetin production → anaemia; high urea retention → immunosuppression)
    - Increased Risk of bleeding (platelet affected)
    - Fluid Imbalance
    - Decreased bone health (disruption in 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol production → decreased calcium reabsorption)
    - Build up of toxins within blood (cerebral function)
    - Reduced drug excretion (higher drug retention)
  • Dental implications:
    Take care with stage 4 and 5 renal failure patient
    Increased periodontal disease
    Oral signs of anaemia (angular chelitis, oropharyngeal web)
    Bone abnormalities
    Potential increased bleeding tendency
    Care with Ibuprofen (NSAIDs )
    Good oral health supports nutrition / preparation for transplant
  • Renal diseases with low calcium level in the mouth:
    failure to excrete PO4 + Low Vitamin D → low calcium ion → increased production of parathormone in thyroid gland → increased osteoclast production and activity →central giant cell granuloma
  • Common dental drug and CKD:
    Lignocaine: no alteration
    Articaine: no alteration
    Amoxycillin: Reduce dose if end stage (GFR <10)
    NSAID’s: Avoid if end stage (GFR <10) or diabetes
    Erythromycin: Avoid due to drug interactions
    Midazolam: Use with caution if stage 4+ (GFR < 30)
  • Haemodialysis:
    3 times per week, time consuming and labour intensive
    Requires AV fistular for vascular access
    Requires dialysis machine
    Can be done at home
    Requires anticoagulation with heparin
  • AV fistulae
    Do not put a needle or measure BP in this arm
  • Peritoneal dialysis

    dialysis in which the lining of the peritoneal cavity acts as the filter to remove waste from the blood - not suitable for more advanced cases
  • dialysis
    Necessary once function is no longer able to meet demand: GFR <10 (<10% function) e.g. End Stage Kidney Disease
  • Oral surgery and haemodialysis:
    Treat on morning of non dialysis days: maximum day until next dialysis
    Place Surgicel® (haemostatic agent - promotes clotting) in the socket and sutured to promote blood resorption
    Local haemostatic measures if surgery
    Antibiotic prophylaxis due to immune defect
    Liase with renal team
    Avoid injections / BP measurement in AVF arm
  • Kidney transplantation:
    5000 kidney transplant per year
    Very successful 86% - 91% @ 5 Years
    Cost effective
    Physiological benefit
    Live donor / cadaveric donor
    Requires immune suppression for life
  • Transplant waiting list:
    Currently 6138 on transplant WL (Feb 2020)
    1118 either died or became too ill for Rx
    30% increase in transplants (4762 in 2019)
    56,300 total number of functioning transplants in UK
  • Oral side effect from immunosuppression that comes from kidney transplantation: generalised
    Delayed Healing
    Candida (widespread)
    Herpes Simplex
    Accelerated Periodontal Disease
    Leukoplakia (EBV)
  • Oral side effect from immunosuppression that comes from kidney transplantation: malignancy
    Occurs in 3 - 31 % of transplant patients:
    Lip Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) most common
    Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
    Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
    Kaposis Sarcoma
  • Summary:
    CKD more of a concern at stage 4 & 5 (GFR<30)
    Routine dentistry can be performed with minimal risk. More caution with surgical procedures
    Most dental drugs can be used without modification
    If invasive procedure treat haemodialysis patients on non dialysis day with local haemostatic measures