Social 1 - Goomany and Dickinson believed that those who commit crime can be affectedsocially by a loss ofliberty and suffer mentalhealthissues
Social 2 - May, Sharma and Stewart believed that relationships can be impacted and they found that receivingvisits from partnersreduces their re-convictionrates
Social (USA comparison 2) - TheNationallibraryofmedicine reported that peoplewholackfamilysupportinjail are at a higherrisk of reoffending
Economic - Could be impacted due to a lackofemployment . Supported by a survey for the Departmentofworkandpensions which found that 50% of employerswouldn’tconsiderhiring an ex-offender
Economic (USA comparison) - Obatusin and Ritter-Williams stated that the mainreason why employersare less inclined to hireex-offenders is due to a lackoftrust
Social (USA comparison 1) - Thoseinprisonwhoseefamilyarelesslikelytoreoffend