Genetic explanations for OCD

Cards (18)

  • Genes are involved in individual vulnerability to OCD
  • What did the study by Lewis suggest?
    OCD runs in families
  • What percentage of OCD patients studied by Lewis had parents with OCD?
  • What percentage of OCD patients studied by Lewis had siblings with OCD?
  • Who studied OCD patients and suggested OCD runs in families?
  • What did the findings from Lewis's study suggest?
    OCD runs in families
  • According to what model do certain genes leave people more likely to develop a mental disorder (i.e OCD)?
    Diathesis-stress model
  • What is necessary to trigger OCD?
    Some environmental stress
  • What genes have been identified by researchers that create vulnerability for OCD?
    Candidate genes
  • Like many conditions, what does OCD seem to be?
  • What does it mean if OCD is polygenic?
    It isn't caused by one gene, but a combination of genetic variations
  • How many genes did Taylor find may be involved in OCD?
  • What genes have been studied in relation to OCD?
    Dopamine and serotonin
  • What does it mean if OCD is aetiologically heterogeneous?
    The origins of OCD vary from one person to another
  • What term is used to describe that the origins of OCD vary from one person to another?
    Aetiologically heterogenous
  • There is evidence to suggest different types of OCD may be the result of particular genetic variations
  • Strength: Genetic explanation for OCD
    What? Research support
    Who? Twin studies; Nestadt - 68% of identical twins share OCD
    Family studies - a person w/ a family member w/ OCD is four times as likely to develop it as someone without
    Why? Suggests some genetic influence on OCD
  • Limitation: Genetic explanation for OCD
    What? Environmental risk factors
    Who? Cromer - over half of OCD clients in their sample had experienced a traumatic event in their past
    Why? Genetic vulnerability only provides partial explanation