Health - Intentional Injuries

Cards (16)

  • Intentional Injuries
    • Self-Inflicted
    • Assault
  • Self-Inflicted
    When a person harms him/herself on purpose
  • Assault
    When person/persons harm another on purpose
  • Types of Assault
    • Those that were committed within the family
    • Those that were committed by peers
    • Those that were committed by other groups
    • Those that were committed by the family, peers or other groups
  • Suicide
    The intentional taking of one's own life
  • Parasuicide
    A suicide attempt in which a person does not intend to die
  • How to recognize a person who has suicidal tendencies
    • Talking about suicide or death
    • Writing farewell letters or giving away valuable things to their friends and siblings
    • Showing changes in behavior, moods and feelings
  • Domestic Violence
    An act that includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual activity), and verbal abuse. This may occur to partners who may be married or not married. They may be heterosexual or homosexual (i.e., gay or lesbian) couples and may be living together, separated or dating.
  • Domestic Violence includes
    • Name-calling or putdowns
    • Keeping a partner from contacting his/her family or friends
    • Withholding money/allowance or denying financial support
    • Stopping a partner from getting or keeping a job
    • Actual or threatened physical harm
    • Sexual assault
    • Stalking
    • Intimidation
  • Bullying
    An unwanted aggressive behavior. The behavior is repeated, or can be repeated, over time.
  • Bullying
    • Imbalance of power: Kids who bully use their power, such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity, to control or harm others
    • Repetition: Bullying behavior happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once
  • Classifications of Bullying
    • Verbal Bullying
    • Social Bullying
    • Physical Bullying
    • Cyberbullying
  • Verbal Bullying
    Saying or writing mean and nasty things. It includes: Teasing, Name-calling, Making Inappropriate sexual comments, Taunting, threatening to cause harm.
  • Social Bullying
    Sometimes referred to as relational bullying, hurting someone's reputation.
  • Physical Bullying
    Hurting a person's body or destroying his/her possessions.
  • Cyberbullying
    Verbal and social bullying done through use of technology and electronic means.