what is Research?- Discovery and exploration into the unknown (Sanchez 2002)
Research is a systematic inquiry (Polit and Beck 2001)
the Goals of Research- Develop, Refine, and expand the body of knowledge
Johnson and Christensen (2000) enumerated 7 major parts of research
Title page- The cover page this contains the working title of the study, declaration of the context and a formal explanatory statement
Abstract- A brief summary of the entire paper
Introduction- This part introduces the reader to the background of the study, its purpose, scope, objectives, significance, limitations, and delimitations.
Research problem- a statement expressed in interrogative or question form.
Research Objectives– purpose for which investigation is to be conducted
Hypothesis- this is an educational, intelligent guess. it can be tentative based on theory.
Null Hypothesis- which says that nothing happened, a denial.
Alternative Hypothesis- Affirmation of the existence of an observed phenomenon.
Chapter 2- Review of Related Literature (RRL) - The sources may be taken from Journals, peotry, books, articles magazines, and news papers
Related readings- the major source are laws and department directives such as circulars, order, memoranda
Related Literature- source that are taken from book, Poetry, Journals, Newspaper, Magazines
Related Studies- the published and non published research studies
Theoretical Framework- a symbolic construction that uses abstract concepts, facts that predicts a phenomenon
assumptions- a true basic principle based on logic without proof or verification