Intentional Injuries - are injuries resulting from violence
Self-Inflicted - is when a person harm himself/herself on purpose
Assault - is when person/persons harm another on purpose
Suicide - is the intentional taking of one's own life
Parasuicide - is a suicide attempt in which a person does not intend to die
Domestic Suicide - is an act that includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.) sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual activity,) and verbal abuse
Bullying - is an unwanted, aggressive behavior. The behavior is repeated, or can be repeated over time
Verbal Bullying - is saying or writing mean and nasty thing
Physical Bullying is hurting a person's body or destroying her/his possessions
Cyberbullying is a verbal and social bullying done through use of technology and electronic means.
Social Bullying - is sometimes referred to as relational bullying-hurting someone reputation or relationships
Extortion is the act of using force or threats to force people to hand over their money or properties, on favor
Gang is defined as relatively tough, mostly street-based group of young people who regard themselves and may be seen by others as a group that engages in a range of criminal activity and violence.
Stalking is a pattern of behavior that makes you feel afraid, nervous, harassed, or in danger
A fraternity is a group people with similar backgrounds, occupations, interest, or tastes.
Acts of terror, or terrorism is the use of violence for political goals and putting the public or a great number of people in fear
Verbal Abuse is a form of cruelty that involves the use of words. These words are used to attack, control, and cause harm on another person.
Molestation is the sexual abuse of a person (whether a child or adult for sexual pleasure or for profit.
Sexual Abuse Incest is sexual contact between persons who are so closely related that a marriage between them is considered illegal (e.g., parents and children, uncle/aunts and nieces/nephews, etc.)
Kidnapping is taking away or forcefully moving a person against his/her will and holding him/her in unjust captivity. The act is usually done for a motive like getting a monetary reward/ransom or getting some sort of benefit from the person or their family.
Fondling to handle, stroke or caress lovingly or erotically
Mutual Masturbation- two people touching each other's sexual organs for pleasure.
Sodomy sexual intercourse that involves inserting of the penis of one person into the anus of another person
Coitus- sexual intercourse between a male and a female involving the insertion of the penis into the vagina
Child Pornography- explicit portrayal of children as sexual subject matter for purpose of sexual arousal
Child Prostitution refers to children who get paid to have sex
Rape is a forced sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, or oral penetration
Penetration may be by a body part or an object
Example of verbal bullying: Teasing, Name Calling
Example of physical bullying: Pushing, Kicking, Spitting
Example of cyber bullying: usingelectronicmails, usingsocialmedia
Example of social Bullying, spreadingrumorsaboutsomeone
Acts of terrorism may be categorized into six: Cyberterrorism
Characteristics of verbal abuse: verbal abuseishurtful