Cards (45)

  • Ethics
    Study of correct action or doing, based on perceiving information, focused on the world of human relationship, studies people's feelings & emotional state, people oriented, shows people's feelings for their partners directly through emotions
  • Logic
    Studies the process of correct & organized thinking, focus on demands of material, non-human world, or world of "things" in one environment, studies what is done and said or the content of speech, not misleading a person and giving him correct information, shows feelings for their partners by doing things for them
  • Ethics
    Study of correct action or doing
  • Ethics
    • Based on perceiving information, focused on the world of human relationship
    • Studies people's feelings & emotional state
    • People oriented
    • Shows people's feelings for their partners directly through emotions
  • Logic
    Studies the process of correct & organized thinking
  • Logic
    • Focus on demands of material, non-human world, or world of "things" in one environment
    • Studies what is done and said or the content of speech
    • Not misleading a person and giving him correct information
    • Shows feelings for their partners by doing things for them
  • Differences between Ethics and Psychology
    • Ethics studies how man behaves
    • Ethics is concerned with man's moral obligation or result of his behavior
    • Ethics studies human behavior in the perspective of morality
    • Psychology studies how man ought to behave
    • Psychology is not interested in the morality of human behavior
    • Psychology is the scientific study of mental & behavioral characteristics associated with particular behavior
  • Sociology deals with the study of social order

    Ethics deals with the study of moral order in the society
  • Moral order
    Social order
  • Moral values
    Solid society
  • Society depends on ethics for principles

    Sociology depends on that are based on that
  • Proper observance of moral laws
    Regulates man's action in a community
  • Man supports himself by earning a living
    Makes a man an economic being
  • Economics as a science deals with study of wages, labor, production & distribution of wealth

    Involves relationships among individuals (employer-employee; production; manufacturer; customer)
  • At the heart of these relationships
    Exist moral norms, moral rules
  • Ethics
    Morality, moral law
  • Law
    Crystallized ethics
  • What is legal
    May not always be moral
  • Ethics
    Moral principle & values governing an individual or institution
  • Religion
    Service & worship of God done personally or institutionally
  • Ethics
    Can impact individual or corporate ethics may include mandates for ethical behavior
  • Ethics
    Based on postulates: suggests the existence of God, creator, freedom of the will of man & immortality
  • Ethics
    Attain man's supreme purpose
  • Ethics
    Seek the absolute truth. By using the human reason
  • Religion
    Seek the absolute truth. Based on faith & divine revelation
  • True ethics
    Cannot be separated from God. If there is morality there is moral law; if there is moral law, there is law giver; God is the ultimate law giver
  • Ethics and Religion
    Prescribe right living as means of attaining the goal of man
  • Profession
    Public declaration with the force of a promise
  • Ethical codes
    Set of rules & standards for practice of profession & at the same time discipline of the members
  • Code of professional ethics
    Set of behavioral guidelines that members of a profession are required to observe
  • Violations of professional codes of conduct
    • Payment of fine
    • Payment of cost of investigation
    • Reprimand
    • Imposition of conditions on membership
    • Suspension and/or expulsion from membership
  • In the absence of law
    People tend to make their own Professional Codes of Conduct
  • Codes of conducts
    Limited only to some specific profession. Cannot be regulated or impose to all
  • Ethics
    Universal & applicable to everybody
  • Ethics
    Different from Professional Codes of Conduct
  • Etiquette
    Behavior or courtesy
  • Violation of the rules of etiquette
    May have moral implications
  • Education
    Instruction or training by which people learn to develop & use their mental, moral & physical power
  • Education
    Should aim to perfect the moral character in men
  • Education
    "Education is life"