assays - creatinine

Cards (4)

  • Jaffe-kinetic method of creatinine analysis creatinine combined with sodium picrate in alkaline solution yields red orange color
  • creatininase-CK
    A) creatinine
    B) H2O
    C) creatininase
    D) creatine
    E) creatine
    F) ATP
    G) CK
    H) creatine phosphate
    I) ADP
    J) ADP
    K) phosphoenolpyruvate
    L) PK
    M) pyruvate
    N) ATP
    O) pyruvate
    P) NADH
    Q) H+
    R) LD
    S) lactate
    T) NAD+
  • creatininase-CK
    • Change in absorbance is measured bc of oxidation of NADH
    • Requires large sample
  • creatininase - H2O2
    A) creatinine
    B) H2O
    C) creatininase
    D) creatine
    E) creatine
    F) H2O
    G) creatinase
    H) sarcosine
    I) urea
    J) sarcosine
    K) O2
    L) H2O
    M) sarcosine oxidase
    N) glycine
    O) CH2O
    P) H2O2
    Q) H2O2
    R) colorless substrate
    S) peroxidase
    T) colored product
    U) H2O