pe m2

Cards (16)

  • Pivot turn
    step, ball and turn, step, ball and turn and so on
  • Skip
    Step and hop
  • Gallop - step and cut
  • Contraganza - Leap, cross-step, step
  • Slide - Slide, close
  • Bleking
    Heel-place, close
  • Change Step - Step, close, step
  • Mincing - step, step, step and so on
  • Stamping - Stamp(R) and close to supporting foot (L)
  • Parallel Tortillier - Pivot and turn heels, pivot and turn toes
  • Arms in Lateral Position - Both arms on one side at shoulder level
  • Bend - to move the body around the wide axis. There us contracting and shortening of a body part from a joint
  • Leap - to spring one foot and land on the other foot
  • padyak - to stamp or tap with one foot and the weight of the body is on the other foot
  • saludo- it means to bow
  • set - a dance formation of two or more couples