Purpose is the output that achieves the task's objectives successfully and convincingly
Symbol is the high quality; this very appealing and skillfully done
Unity is the symbol and message that are highly cohesive and highlighting each other
The word family comes from the latin word familia which means household
The word educates comes from the word educere which means to "bring out"
The word communication comes from the latin word communicate which means "to share" or "to make common"
The word society comes from the latin word societatem which means "fellowship, association, alliance, union, community"
Parents are the ones who understand that they have to provide further children's basic needs
Cooperation is the key for a group of people to bind and achieve a common goal despite their varied interest and personalities
Beingenthusiastic is being attentive in class and show great interest in theories and abstract concepts
Beinggenerous is looking to share without expecting something back or receiving applause
A person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject and who spends a lot of time on it is an example of beingenthusiastic
A person who is aware of the presence of others and makes him sensitive to their flight is an example of beinghumble
Beingunderstanding means to take time to listen to someone in depth
Beinghumble is accepting other people's differences and cherish what makes them unique
Beinggenerous is learning how to share what we have as a good in giving positive attention to others
Beingunderstanding is listening carefully to others without interrupting or judging them
For the ancient philosopher Aristotle, he defined falsity as the disconformity between the mind and the outside reality
Credibility is what an individual earns when he always speaks the truth
Truth may be stretched but it cannot be broken
Truthfulnessorreflection is a virtue that allows a person to render utmost respect to the sanctify of truth and avoid all the possibilities of faking the facts of reality
Exaggeration is a statement that represents something as better or worse than it actually is
Tocrywolf is a figure of speech that means pretending that something is wrong even though everything is alright
Islamicfaithrallies for truthfulness as the conformity of the outer with the inner
Honesty is a virtue that inclines a person to always adhere to the facts or truth
Respect is a feeling of deep reverence for someone especially for parents
The basic unit of society is family
Obedience is any compliance with an order or law or submission to other's authority especially to parents
Trust is an award accorded to an honest person
Tact is a deep sensitivity to what is right in the appropriate in dealing with others
Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and of readiness to show appreciation for kindness
Filial is a kind of respect drew from a son or a daughter
Buildarelationshipbasedonsacrifices shows them that you are willing to put their needs before your own
Modesty is about showing one's truebeauty or handsomeness
Emotional means you're feeling a lot of emotions
Chastity is learning to express their sexuality in ways other than physical intimacy
Enjoy being single is having more time for themselves
Relationship is the way two or more people are connected
Self control is the ability to say no
Intellect and will is a capacity that moves us to do what we do