A robot is a machine created to automatically perform one or more tasks fast and accurately.
The IndustrialRevolution reflects a shift to new processes of production.
The FirstIndustrialRevolution is what they called the “Steam Power.” In this revolution, they used steam powered engines.
The SecondIndustrialRevolution started in the middle of the 1800s. It was a time of development for pre-existing industries and growth of new ones such as oil, electrical companies, among others.
The Third Industrial Revolution started in the 1950s and introduced the computer to the world.
The FourthIndustrialRevolution is the mixture of technological-driven advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, genetic editing, and other technologies.
Da Vinci Surgical is an example of a robot used in surgeries.
Answer is healthcarerobot
This is a Knightscope’s K5 Robot. It is a robot that was manufactured
with the ideas of wanting to keep public security through constant
surveillance in mind.
Answer is securityrobot
Landroid is a robotic lawn mower designed to trim the lawn daily.
The answer is homerobot
mBot is an educational robot used for educational purposes that
has been implemented into several curriculums in schools.
answer is educationalrobots
A machine is technically defined as anything that makes life easier. It is a mechanical structure that applies forces and controls movement by using power, to do a specific task.
A simplemachine is a mechanical device which modifies a force’s direction or magnitude.
Wheel and axle helps in making the tasks easier by moving objects across distances.
Inclined plane is a tilted even supporting plane.
Wedge is usually used to hold together objects or to cut them apart.
Lever is a board that is freely able to rotate on a pivot.
Pulley is a simple machine that shifts the direction of the force.
Screw is used to hold things together.
A pre-programmed robot is a kind of robot that follows the
program encoded in it beforehand.
Bionics is the application of behaviors and methods found in
nature to design as well as study engineering systems and
modern-day technology.
Augmentingrobots are built to enhance human
capabilities or to restore lost ones.
Humanoidrobots are robots that mimic human behavior, speech, and even appearances.
Autonomousrobots, on the word ‘Autonomous’, which means being free to act independently.
Teleoperatedrobots are robots that humans control.
An Android is a robot that looks like humans but with robots’ internal mechanics.
An Artificial Intelligence is the capability of a robot to do things that can only be done through a human-being intelligence.
The manipulators are what a robot uses to attain a certain result,
These are called consumerrobots. They are usually little helpers and may give you updates on weather, time, and your office appointments.
Aquaticrobots they can also be used to help coast guards to watch unmanned boats and to help damaged
marine ecosystems with the assistance of marine biologists.
mCore is the most essential part of a robot. It is the main control system that processes all the robot functions from input
and output actions.
RJ25 Port It is a port that connects all input or output devices attached to mCore.
It allows the user to upload, recharge the lithium battery, or run mBot while connected to a computer.
USB Connector
PowerSwitch It is a switch that powers on or off the mCore.
OnboardButton It is an input device that switches the modes of the robot.
IRReceiver It is an input device that receives IR signals from a remote control or from another mBot.
IRTransmitter It is an output device that transmits IR signals from a remote control or from another mBot.
Buzzer It is an output device that produces sound attached to mCore.
Motor Interface It is a port that connects 1 or 2 DC motors to mCore.
mBlock is a block-based programming software that allows you to
program different kinds of robots without having difficulty learning C++ or python program.
Events is used to provide maps to controls your robot.