
Cards (26)

  • Vacuum-Assisted Delivery

    Also known as vacuum extraction, it uses a vacuum to assist in delivering a baby during the second stage of labor
  • Vacuum-Assisted Delivery

    • Common and relatively safe procedure used when a mother needs additional assistance despite pushing effectively
  • Forceps-Assisted Delivery

    Involves using specialized medical instruments called forceps to gently guide the baby's head out of the birth canal
  • Forceps-Assisted Delivery

    • Assists mothers in delivering their babies during the second stage of labor
  • Water Birth
    Also known as hyrdotherapy during childbirth, where a woman labors and delivers her baby in a birthing tub filled with warm water
  • Water Birth
    • Gaining popularity as a birthing choice due to potential benefits for some mothers
  • Vertex Position
    The ideal position for birth where the baby is head-down
  • Vertex Position
    • This position allows for the smoothest passage through the birth canal as the head (vertex) is the widest part of the baby
  • Breech Position
    Refers to the baby's position in the uterus where the buttocks are the first part to emerge from the vagina
  • Frank or Extended Breech
    • Baby's legs are fully extended straight up above their head
  • Complete or Fixed Breech

    • Baby's buttocks are presenting first, with the knees bent and feet tucked up near the buttocks
  • Footling Breech
    • One or both of the baby's feet are presenting first
  • Contractions
    Irregular contractions become regular and stronger, leading to cervical dilation
  • Childbirth
    Full dilation leads to pushing, culminating in the baby’s delivery.
  • Afterbirth
    Delivery of placenta, usually within 5-30 minutes post-birth, followed by uterine contractions to prevent bleeding.
  • Electronic Fetal Monitoring
    Used to assess fetal well-being during pregnancy, labor, and delivery by monitoring the baby's heart rate. It tracks the heart rate and checks for changes that might indicate fetal distress.
  • Prepared Childbirth
    Involves instruction, breathing exercises, and social support to induce controlled physical responses to uterine contractions and reduce fear and pain.
  • Lamaze Method

    Focuses on breathing techniques, relaxation, massage, and visualization to manage pain.
  • Bradley Method

    Emphasizes the role of the birthing person's partner as a coach and advocate. Includes education about the stages of labor and pain management techniques.
  • Birthing Partner Method

    Focuses on communication and teamwork between the birthing person and their partner.
  • Doula
    Experienced mentor who provides emotional support and information for a woman during labor.
  • Before Childbirth: Doulas offer education about childbirth, assist in developing a birth plan, and provide emotional support during pregnancy.
  • During Childbirth: Doulas provide continuous labor support, including massage, relaxation techniques, pain management strategies, and emotional encouragement. They also advocate for the birthing person's wishes and facilitate communication with healthcare providers.
  • After Childbirth: Doulas help with breastfeeding, newborn care, and emotional well-being in the postpartum period.
  • Neonates refer to newborn babies within the first 28 days of life, regardless of full-term or premature birth. All neonates are very young babies, similar to how toddlers are a specific age group (1-3 years old).
  • The neonatal period encompasses the first 28 days of a baby's life. It is a crucial period of rapid development and adjustment to life outside the womb. This period is akin to the actual timeframe that defines being a toddler (those 2 years).