Network - It is define as two or more computers connected to share information and data
Network is down - It is due to poor cabling system
Personal Area Network (PAN) - it is composed of personal devices and uses wired connection like USB and wireless connection like bluetooth and infrared
Local Area Network (LAN) - It covers a small local area and is used to workstation, servers and printer
Wireless LAN (WLAN) - it covers a limited geographical area that networking cables are difficult to install
Campus Area Network (CAN) - It is a form of metropolitan area network that is on academic setting.
Campus Area Network(CAN) - It is made up of interconnection of local area network (IAN)
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) - Covers a large campus or city
Wide Area Network (WAN) - Made up of many smaller networks and covers a large geographical area
Global Area Network (GAN) - It is intended to support mobile communication across an orbitrary number of wireless LAN
Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Links between nodes are carried by open connections or virtual circuits.
Network Topology - It is the physical and logical arrangements of nodes and connection in a network.
Mesh Network - Nodes are responsible for spending and recieving transmission to other nodes
Fully connected mesh topology - It is when nodes are connected to all nodes
Ring topology - A form of ring that nodes send signals. it is also seldom.
Bus Network - Computers/Nodes are connected to a sequential line.
Star Network topology - Uses a centralized device to manage traffic on the network. Used for LANs
Loop Back Plug - Used to test a network cable or port
The cable ports is good - When the led lights on loop back plug lights up then.
Cable Tester - Used to test Cable and find out what type of cable it is and locate the ends of a network cable in a building.
2 Parts of cable Tester
Network Multimeter - A multifunctional tool that can test cables, ports and network adapters.
Wire Stripper - Used to build or repair netwrok cable and cut away the plastic jacket or coating around wires in a twisted pair cable
Crimper/Crimping tool - Used to attatch a terminator or connector to the end of a cable
Punch Down Tool - Also called as impact tool, is use to punch individual wires in a network cable
keystone RJ-45 Jack - It is used in a RJ-45 wall jack
Physical Topology - Refers to the configuration of cables, computers and other pheriperals.
Logical Topology - A method used to pass information between workstation
Linear Bus Topology - Consists of Main run of cables with a terminator at each end.
Star Topology - Each node is connected directly to a central network hub or concentrator
Concentrator/Central Network Hub - It manages and controls all function of the network in a star topology. it also acts as a repeater
Star Wired ring topology - it has a MAU (Multi station access unit) that contains wiring that allows information to be passed. is uses a protocol namely token ring protocol
Tree - Combination of Linear Bus and star topologies.