
Cards (19)

  • Documents used for a meeting
    Agenda, notice, minutes
  • Agenda
    Sets out what topics will be discussed and in what order
  • Notice
    Tells members where the meeting will be he,d including date place time
  • Minutes
    Official record of what has been said

    Can be referred to if clarification is needed on what was agreed
  • Role of the secretary/ admin assistant before a meeting AENDAP
    Book accommodation in advance and receive confirmation
    Ensure any special equipment is order in advance
    Prepare name badges
    Appropriate documents must be circulated
    Make a note of apologies
    Inform the press if the meeting is open to the public
  • Role of the secretary on the day of a meeting RRSAP
    Check the room is satisfactory
    Inform reception of the meeting so members can be directed
    Ensure a meeting in progress sign is put up
    Attendance list is available
    Have a copy of previous minutes for chairperson to sign
  • Role of the secretary during the meeting
    Ensure they are seated next to the secretary so that the appropriate documents can be passed over
    Inform the meeting of any apologies
    Ensure the chairperson signs the previous minutes
    Ensure the attendance list has been signed
    Take notes of any actions to be followed up
  • Role of the secretary after a meeting
    Clear and tide the room
    Remove any signs
    Read over notes and key in minutes
    Check with chairperson that the minutes are accurate
    Prepare a list of actions to be completed by the next meeting
    Ensure any documents used during the meeting are stored safely
    Start compelling the agenda for the next meeting
  • Consequences of inadequate preparation
    Reputation of the organisation and assistant will suffer if arrangements are not what they should be
    Meeting may have to be postpones which leads to missed opportunities
    Meeting runs over time as not enough thought has gone into each topic and how long it should be discussed
    Decisions may be flawed if appropriate material is not available
  • Role of the chairperson
    Controls the meeting and ensures it is conducted according to the rules
    Make sure a quorum is present to ensure decisions are valid
    Start and end the meeting on time
    Sign the previous minutes
    Ensure the wording of any motions are clear
    Judge when there has been sufficient discussions and draw them to a close so a vote can be taken
  • Use of ediary for conducting meetings
    Appropriate days and times can be selected to suit everyone
    Allows the secretary to flag up key days( to order equipment or send out notice)
    Allows the secretary to invite members and once they have accepted the invitation it will appear in their diary automatically
  • Use of email in conducting a meeting
    A mailing list can be created for all members which can be used to send out the notice and agenda
    Delivery or receipt can be requested to give proof that members have received and opened the email
    A paper copy can be printed of the notice and agenda if necessary
  • Advantages of video conferencing in conducting a meeting
    Face-to-face communication allows instant clarification
    It can be recorded for members that weren't present to allow them to keep up-to-date on any discussions and decisions
    Saves the organisation money for travel and accommodation as these costs do not have to be met
  • Disadvantagesof video conferencing in conducting a meeting
    Technical issues can arise which leads to the meeting being abandoned without decisions being made
    Hiring conference equipment can be expensive
    It is difficult for the chairperson to ensure all members have their say
  • Use of word processing in a meeting

    Labels can be used to create name badges
    Spellcheck can be used to check the accuracy
    Formatting can be used to enhance the minutes and make them look more professional
    Key information and the notice can be highlighted to stand out
  • Use of database in a meeting
    Mail merge can be used to send out the notice with each members details
    Queries can be used to search for information on employees with dietary requirements or disability considerations
    Reports can be created for topics that need to be discussed
  • Use of presentation software in a meeting
    Handouts can be prepared with information on topics that will be discussed and these can be taken by members for future use
    Music, animations, and transitions can be added to make information more interesting and attention grabbing
  • Comparison of formal and action minutes
    Both formal and action minutes state who was present
    Both formal and actual minutes state tasks must be done by who and when
    Both formal and action minutes state the type of meeting, date and venue
    Formal minutes detail discussions which take place and decisions arising whereas action minutes only recorded tasks and duties to be completed
  • Features of minutes
    The language is formal and uses business terms
    Arguments are not recorded, only resolutions or decisions
    Resolutions must be recorded exactly as given in the meeting
    Action minutes must be noted
    Once the group has agreed the minutes are accurate, the chairperson must say in it
    Minutes are often numbered like the agenda