Just as life has a history, science has also its own story.
Andreas Vesalius
Comparative Anatomy
Started out his career as a defender of "Galenism" at the University of Paris
Began dissecting corpses for himself to show his students fine details of anatomy at the University of Padua
Drew charts for the students to study, and the exquisite quality of the charts made him famous – so famous that the criminal court judge of Padua made sure he had a steady supply of cadavers from the gallows
As Andreas Vesalius grew more familiar with the human body
He began to notice that here and there, Galen had made mistakes
Galen's mistakes
The human breastbone is made of three segments; Galen said seven
Galen claimed that the humerus (upper arm bone) was the longest bone in the body, save only the femur; Versalius saw that the tibia and fibula of the shin pushed the humerus to fourth
Over the centuries, anatomists sometimes had minor quibbles with Galen, but Versalius began to suspect that there was something seriously wrong with his work
Versalius' approach
1. Widened his scope, dissecting animals
2. Reading over Galen more carefully
3. Realised the source of mistake was that Galen had never dissected a human
Versalius' actions
At the age of 25, he launched a full assault on Galen
Lecturing at Padua and Bologna, he rigged up skeletons of humans and of Barbary macaques, and showed the assembled students how wrong Galen had been
He then set out to put together a new anatomy book that included his discoveries
He named his book De humani corporis fabrica libri septem, or "The Seven Books on the Structure of Human Body" – commonly known as Fabrica
Nicholas Steno
Fossils and the Birth of Paleontology
In 1666, two fisherman caught a giant shark off the coast of Livorno in Italy
The local duke ordered that this curiosity to be sent to Niels Stensen (better known as Steno)
As he dissected the shark, he was struck by how much the shark teeth resembled "tongue stones", triangular pieces of rock that had been known since ancient times
Steno's discovery
1. Declared that the tongue stones indeed came from the mouths of once-living sharks
2. Showed how precisely similar the stones and the teeth were
3. Proposed the Law of Superposition – his greatest contribution to geology
John Ray
First scientist (in the modern sense of the word) to carry out a thorough study of the natural world
Ray's particular interests lay with plants, for which he developed an early classification system based on physiology and anatomy
Established the modern concept of species, noting that organisms of one species do not interbreed with members of another
Used species as the basic unit of taxonomy
Studied fossils, recognizing them as having formed from once-living organisms, and grappled with contradictions between the biblical account of creation and the evidence of change and extinction that he saw in his fossils
Deeply religious, he rejected any possibility of an old and changing Earth, as did all scholars of his time
Thomas Robert Malthus
Made his groundbreaking economic arguments by treating human beings in a groundbreaking way. Rather than focusing on the individual, he looked at humans as groups of individuals, all of whom were subject to the same basic laws of behavior
Used the same principles that an ecologist would use studying a population of animals or plants
Pointed out that the same forces of fertility and starvation that shaped the human race were also at work on animals and plants
Carl Linnaeus
Fascinated by plants, paying botany much more attention than was required for his medical studies at the university, and took up the new idea that plants reproduced sexually, using differences in reproductive structures to develop a system for classifying plants
Moved on to study animals and to help make sense of the huge volume of data accumulated during his teaching and research that gave all his specimens a descriptive Latin binomial, or two-word name
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
Set out the current knowledge of the whole of natural history in the 44-volume "Natural History" ("Histoire Naturelle"), a series that greatly increased popular interest in science
Contributed to the debate over the age of the Earth (begun by Isaac Newton), suggesting that our planet had formed in a molten state and that its gradual cooling must have taken far longer than the 6000 years
Erasmus Darwin
Charles was not the first in his family to consider the concept of evolution. His grandfather, Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) was a successful country doctor who published widely in many scientific fields
Wrote the book "The Loves of the Plants" which introduced the public to the intricacies of plant taxonomy and reproduction
In his book "Zoonomia", set out Erasmus' idea on evolution. He was aware that modern species were different to fossil types, and also saw how plant and animal breeders used artificial selection to enhance their products
Knew that offspring inherited features from their parents, and went so far as to say that life on Earth could be descended from a common ancestor
Believed in the original creation of life, but his God was "hands-off" from that point
Georges Cuvier
Interested in Biology from childhood, an interest that he developed further while living in the French countryside during the Revolution
Read both Linnaeus and Buffon and worked on his own ideas on classification and taxonomy, before joining the Museum of Natural History in Paris, studying and writing on comparative anatomy
His work was extremely useful in interpreting the remains of the fossil animals and relating them to living species
Classified animals according to their body plan (as vertebrates, molluscs, those with exoskeletons and those with radial symmetry), which is a major advance in thinking about relationships
His extensive studies of fossils gave rise to the science paleontology, and he recognized that particular groups of fossil organisms were associated with certain rock strata
Cuvier's Catastrophism Model of Earth's History
His paleontological studies told him that large numbers had become extinct
To explain this, he used the concept of catastrophism: a series of catastrophes, one of which was recorded in the Biblical story of the flood, had caused repeated waves of extinction
Areas were then repopulated by migration from unaffected areas
There was no room in this model for the evolution of new species. In his view, life had existed unchanged on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, ever since the Creation
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Worked at the Natural History Museum in Paris, but his views on species were the opposite of Cuvier's
His model of evolution proposed that individuals were able to pass to their offspring characteristics acquired during their own lifetimes
Proposed that species did not go extinct, but instead evolved into another form
Stated that evolution produced more complex organisms from simple ancestors, and that this process of change took time
Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire
Elaborated Lamarck's views
Felt that the environment could produce changes in living things, and that if these changes were harmful, then the organism would die; only those well-adapted to the environment would survive
This is a foretaste of Darwin's theory of natural selection, but Geoffroy never went on to develop his idea further
Both his suggestions, and Lamarck's ideas about inheritance of acquired characteristics, were thoroughly ridiculed by Cuvier
James Hutton
Made significant contribution to the understanding of the geological processes that shaped the Earth
Recognized that the Earth was extremely old
Saw that there was no need for global catastrophes to shape the surface of the Earth. Instead, given sufficient time, the gradual ongoing processes of erosion, sedimentation, and uplift could produce the geological features he saw
This concept became known as the principle of uniformitarianism
Without the concept of an extremely old and slowly changing Earth, Darwin would not have had the time available for his model of evolution to work
Darwin specifically applied Hutton's concept of gradual change, or gradualism, to his model of how species evolved
Charles Lyell
Went to Oxford to study mathematics and law but turned to geology after being introduced to Hutton's work
Met Gideon Mantell, who had discovered several different dinosaurs in English rocks, and this led him to the serious study of the geological history
Travelled widely in Europe, where he observed ancient raised seabeds separated by lava flows, and became convinced that Hutton's model of gradual geological change was correct
Collected a large amount of supporting evidence of uniformitarianism and set this out in the "Principles of Geology", a book that had a tremendous influence of Darwin
While he believed in the special creation of all species now in existence, he also recognized that many species had become extinct and been replaced by others
Charles Robert Darwin: Theory of Evolution
Gradual change
Charles Lyell
Went to Oxford to study mathematics and law but turned to geology after being introduced to Hutton's work
Met Gideon Mantell, who had discovered several different dinosaurs in English rocks, and this led him to the serious study of the geological history
Travelled widely in Europe, where he observed ancient raised seabeds separated by lava flows, and became convinced that Hutton's model of gradual geological change was correct
Collected a large amount of supporting evidence of uniformitarianism and set this out in the "Principles of Geology", a book that had a tremendous influence of Darwin
Charles Robert Darwin
One of the six children born to Robert and Susannah Darwin
Fascinated by science, particularly natural history, from a young age
Rejected becoming a doctor due to traumatic experience of observing an operation on a non-anaesthetized child
Took classes in geology and natural history, particularly marine biology
Ignored official studies at Cambridge and took classes reflecting his interest in the natural world, including botany and geology
Charles Robert Darwin
Received a letter that was to change his life, from his botany professor John Henslow, who had put his name forward to join the crew of HMS Beagle, on a surveying expedition to South America
The Beagle's captain, Robert FitzRoy, required a "gentleman companion" to provide company and conversation on the voyage
Darwin's thinking was enormously influenced by the work done by previous scientists, particularly Charles Lyell's "Principle of Geology"
Charles Robert Darwin
Made extensive fossil collections and noticed that these fossils were found in regions now occupied by their slightly different descendants
Found evidence supporting Lyell's theory of gradual geologic change, such as fossils and ancient sea beds now far from the sea, and witnessed first-hand how a large earthquake could raise the land
Visited the Galapagos Islands and noted how the finches and iguanas there resembled those of the South American mainland
Charles Robert Darwin
Greeted with considerable scientific acclaim on returning home, due to the quality and quantity of the scientific specimens he brought with him
Began to develop his theory of evolution by natural selection as a coherent explanation for his observations on the form and distributions of species, tying it into the concepts developed by other thinkers such as Lyell, Lamarck and Malthus
Spent the next 25 years refining his theory and amassing still more supporting evidence
Alfred Russel Wallace
Did not have the same advantages in life as Charles Darwin
Largely self-taught, he had always had an interest in natural history but do not have the funds to indulge it
Managed to save enough money to fund a trip to South America, with the intention of collecting specimens and selling them to wealthy private collectors
Alfred Russel Wallace
While on a major expedition to South East Asia, began to give a serious consideration to how the species he was observing might have evolved
Quite independently of Darwin, came up with the idea that the best-adapted organisms in a population would survive to breed, passing on their adaptations to their offspring
Natural selection
Differential reproductive success
Occurs as a result of interaction between the environment and genetic variability in the population
The outcome is the adaptation of populations to their environment
The two documents by Darwin and Wallace were read together at a meeting of the Royal Society, but it is Darwin's contribution that we remember today
"On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life" was published in 1859
Observations leading to the theory of evolution by natural selection
Organisms of all species can produce so many offspring that their population size would increase exponentially if all individuals that are born reproduce successfully
Populations tend to remain stable in size, except for seasonal fluctuations
Environmental resources are limited
Individuals of a population vary extensively in their characteristics; no two individuals are exactly alike
Much of this variation is heritable
Inferences leading to the theory of evolution by natural selection
Production of more individuals than the environment can support leads to a struggle for existence among individuals of a population, with only a fraction of offspring surviving each generation
Survival in the struggle for existence is not random, but depends in part on the hereditary make-up of the surviving individuals. Those individuals whose inherited characteristics best fit them to their environment are likely to leave more offspring than less-fit individuals
This unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce will lead to a gradual change in a population, with favorable characteristics accumulating over the generations