Cards (35)

  • an act in which the speaker performs when making an utterance
    Speech Act
  • He was one of the well-known British philosophers of his time that introduced the speech act theory
    John Langshaw Austin
  • the proponent who classified the illocutionary act into five
    John Searle
  • how many classifications does illocutionary have?
  • how many types of speech acts does JL Austin introduce?
  • the theory JL Austin introduced
    Speech Act Theory
  • Types of Speech Act
    • Illocutionary Act
    • Locutionary Act
    • Prelocutionary Act
  • Five Classifications of Illocutionary Act
    • Directive
    • Assertive
    • Expressive
    • Commissive
    • Declaration
  • known as the communicative act
    Locutionary Act
  • the social function of what is stated
    Illocutionary Act
  • an act to make someone do something in the future
  • the effect of a message or words to the audience
  • it is known as the speaker's intention
    Illocutionary Act
  • it is known as the impact
  • it is an act of command or to make someone carry out an action
  • "congratulations!" "happy birthday!" "merry christmas!" "I'm sorry" is an example of what classification of illocutionary act?
  • "therefore, I believe that, climate change have change the weather patterns" what illocutionary classification is this?
  • "No face-to-face classes today due to the heat index." what classification of illocutionary act is this?
  • "Can you please be quiet, I am studying" what illocutionary act is this?
  • "I Kath Ramirez solely promise to be a good and responsible student council president..." is an example of what illocutionary act?
  • it is the actual act of uttering
    Locutionary Act
  • the resulting act of what is said
  • Example of Assertive:
    • describing
    • Claiming
    • concluding
    • Stating
  • Example of directive:
    • Commanding
    • Requesting
    • Ordering
  • Example of Commissive
    • Threatening
    • Vowing
    • Promising
  • Example of Expressive:
    • Greeting
    • Apologizing
    • Welcoming
    • condoling
    • congratulating
  • Example of Declaration:
    • Announcing
    • Pronouncing
    • Blessing
    • Bidding
  • "I pronounced you as husband and wife" what illocutionary act is this ?
  • an act of expressing emotion
  • the actual words that is spoken by the speaker
    Locutionary Act
  • it refers to what the speaker actually meant when he/she said the message
    Illocutionary Act
  • the effect that the message or the speech has on the context of the participants
    Perolocutionary Act
  • After the speech about how to make Manila Green Again by the City Mayor, the residents started to clean their surroundings, segregate the garbage, and plant more trees
    Perlocutionary Act
  • "We must make Manila green again" said by the Mayor
    Locutionary Act
  • "We must make our city-Manila green again by planting trees, being more responsible resident, always cleaning the surroundings, and separate the trash"
    Illocutionary Act