Similar principle to yeast 2-hybrid except it's used for identifying protein-RNA or RNA-RNA interactions.
Gene encoding POI is fused with LexA gene to make construct while RNA of interest is engineered to a section of RNA that binds to the MS2binding site
Transform yeast
Interaction between the POI and the RNA causes MS2 to bind to the MS2 binding site, bringing the LexA DNA binding domain to the gene, allowing transcription
Pros of using the Y2H system for identifying PL interactions:
Scalable - can screen bait vs. many prey per experiment
Can screen cDNA library vs. cDNA library to figure out interaction maps between organisms (illustrates interactions between proteins, genes, metabolites etc. in a biological system)
Can directly identify the ID of interacting prey using the DNA sequence
Native gel is used for gel shift assay as SDS-PAGE denatures proteins, so using that would mean the protein would no longer be associated with the DNA/RNA
Gel shift assay gives information on stoichiometry as gives binding site information - according to distance migrated, you can tell if there are one, two or more DNA/RNAbinding sites