Investigate if high levels of anxiety will affect accuracy of recall
Johnson and Scott procedure
Johnson and Scott had left participants to sit outside a laboratory where they thought they had heard a genuineconversation. They were separated into 2 condition: one with weapon and the other without
Johnson and Scott procedure low anxiety
They had heard a peaceful conversation about officeequipment. A man had came out holding a pen with grease on his hand
Johnson and Scott procedure high anxiety
They heard a more heated conversation and glass smashing. A man emerged holding a knife with blood on it. All participants then had to identify the man they saw from 50 photos
Johnson and Scott findings
Low anxiety condition: 49% were able to identify the man
high anxiety: 33% were only able to identify correctly
Johnson and Scott conclusion
heightenedanxiety or emotional arousal can cause lessaccurate recall in EWT and thus is due to weaponfocuseffects: focusing more on weapon rather than the person
Loftus and palmer procedure
In a controlled environment, participants had to watch a simulated robbery. Some watched a non violent whilst others did of the robbery where a boy was shot in the face
Loftus and palmer findings
Those that watched the nonviolent version has produced a moreaccurate recall of the crime
Loftus and palmer conclusion
This is due to heightened anxiety and emotionalarousal that can cause disrupted accurate recall