Sexual Crime

Cards (9)

  • Perception 1 - Organisations like Rape crisis argue that statistics are partially inaccurate due to women not reporting crime but police statistics show different
  • Perception 2 - Women are more fearful of being victims of sexual violence due to statistics proving that most sexual violence victims are females
  • Example 1 - Rape crisis reported that 1 in 6 report crime to the police
  • Example 2 - UN Women UK report (2022) found that 96% of crimes go unreported
  • Example 3 - The Scottish crime and justice survey found that of the 3.6% of adults who experienced sexual violence 88% were women
  • Example 4 - UN Women UK report (2022) reported that 97% of women aged 18-24 have been sexually harassed and 96% of those victims crimes went unreported due to belief “it wouldn’t do anything”
  • USA comparison 1 - After covering a recent Netflix documentary about a serial rapist reporter (Hillary Kelly) stated that “women don’t walk around feeling safe“
  • USA comparison 2 - RAINN stated that an American is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds in the US
  • Netherlands comparison - A (2023) article from Stockholm Uni concluded that women are more fearful of crime (including sexual crime) than men