
Cards (17)

  • Sacrament
    An outward sign of an inner spiritual grace
  • Baptism
    The sacrament through which people become members of the Church
  • Infant baptism
    Sacrament of initiation of babies and young children into the Church
  • Believers' baptism
    Initiation into the Church, by immersion in water, of people old enough to understand the ceremony/rite and who have made the decision to live a Christian life
  • Baptism
    • It welcomes Christians into the community/into the Kingdom of God
    • Jesus himself did it and Christians should do what Jesus did
    • It allows the person to receive the Holy Spirit into their life along with the gifts the Holy Spirit gives e.g. courage and understanding
  • Significance/importance of baptism
    • It is one of the only 2 sacraments that Jesus did himself. This allows Christians to feel closer to Jesus and connect with him
    • Baptism allows the person to receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings gifts so this will help them to use these gifts in real life e.g. by being more courageous or understanding
  • Lack of significance/importance of baptism
    • How a Christian acts is more important than any ritual/sacrament. The Parable of the Sheep and Goats shows that everybody will be judged after death and those who help people in need will go to heaven, not those who have been baptised
    • Other sacraments are more important e.g. Eucharist. This is also recognised by most Christian churches. Eucharist reminds Christians of multiple key Christian beliefs e.g. resurrection, salvation and atonement of sin
  • Infant Baptism
    1. Occurs as a baby so no choice
    2. Holy water is poured over the head to remove Original Sin
    3. Sign of the cross is made on the forehead in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • Pros of Infant Baptism
    • Enables child to receive the other sacraments as a full member of the Church
    • Brings comfort to the family of an ill child that if it dies it will be with God
  • Cons of Infant Baptism
    • A child may grow up to resent the promises made for them. They should decide for themselves
  • Believer baptism
    1. Occurs as an older teenager or adult so there is a personal choice/commitment which is declared
    2. Person is fully submerged in water to remove sin and symbolise death of old life
    3. Sign of the cross is made on the forehead in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • Pros of Believer baptism
    • Jesus was an adult when baptised
    • Only those old enough to understand should take this step
  • Cons of Believer baptism
    • God's love does not depend on human actions so baptism is unnecessary
  • The Bible: 'I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This means the person is welcomed into the Church on behalf of all 3 persons of God.'
  • The Bible: 'Go and baptise them. This means all Christians have a duty to get baptised and almost all communities accept this.'
  • 7 sacraments
    Baptism, confirmation, eucharist, marriage, reconciliation, anointing of the sick, holy orders
  • “When jesus was baptised, a voice from heaven said ‘You are my son’