Religious Experiences

Cards (23)

  • Religious experience
    When someone feels they have had a direct or personal experience of God
  • Religious experience
    • A dream or vision where God speaks to a person
    • A miraculous healing
  • First-hand experience is something we all want in life regardless of the situation
  • When the life of the person who experiences God is dramatically changed
    The argument gains greater credibility
  • Prayer
    One of the four types of religious experience where somebody tries to address god through thought or speaking to them
  • Conversion
    Where somebody gains lots of religious knowledge about a religion when they had no knowledge of before, and then change their beliefs
  • Numinous
    A feeling that someone has of a presence much greater than themselves, often because they think they are experiencing God's presence
  • Miracle
    When something happens that cannot be explained by science, which may lead someone to believe in God
  • It is very difficult to prove that religious experiences are real
  • According to David Hume, 'There is no instance in which the best explanation is simply God did it'
  • Religious experiences that occur during an illness could be explained by the person receiving medication that creates hallucinations
  • Religious experiences could be simply coincidences or the person creating an experience in their mind
  • Strengths of the argument for religious experiences
    • The argument supports things that believers already hold true
    • The Bible gives advice on how to spot whether someone is speaking truly or is deluded
    • While some religious experiences may be an illusion, it doesn't follow that they all are
    • Research concluded that more than 60% of people interviewed claimed to have had some sort of significant religious experience
    • Some people who have made these claims are well respected
  • Richard Swinburne
    An English philosopher who has discussed different types of religious experience
  • Swinburne's 5 types of religious experience
    • Experience of God or Ultimate Reality mediated through a common, public, sensory object
    • Experience of God or Ultimate Reality mediated through an unusual, public, sensory object
    • Experience of God or Ultimate Reality mediated through private sensations that can be described in normal sensory language
    • Experience of God or Ultimate Reality mediated through private sensations that cannot be described in normal sensory language
    • Experience of God or Ultimate Reality that is not mediated by any sensations
  • Principle of Credulity
    Our ability to believe that something is real or true, and that we should trust our senses if we have a religious experience
  • Principle of Testimony
    It is reasonable to trust the testimony of others about their religious experiences
  • Freud saw religious experiences as essentially illusions, projections of the ultimate, oldest and most profound ideas that people have
  • Marx believed that God was simply an imaginary projection of people's needs and the qualities that people thought were the most important
  • Conversion
    The act of changing one's beliefs or worldview, often in relation to religion.
  • Religious knowledge
    Understanding and awareness of religious teachings, practices, and beliefs.
  • Gain lots of religious knowledge
    Rapidly acquiring a significant amount of information about a religion.
  • Change their beliefs
    Altering one's personal beliefs based on new knowledge or understanding.