Cards (31)

  • RENAISSANCE - rebirth oof classical art and learning
  • RINASCIMENTO - italian term of renaissance
  • CLASSICAL ORDERS, ROUND ARCHES, SYMMETRICAL PROPORTIONS - renaissance characterized by the use of these elements
  • GIACOMO BARROZI DA VIGNOLA - author of 5 orders of architecture
  • ANDREA PALLADIO - venetian renaissance architrecture
  • LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI - central figure of quattrocento architecture after brunelleschi
  • FILLIPO BRUNELLESCHI - leading architect of florentine early architect
  • DONATO BRAMANTE - most important architect of italian high renaissance
  • MICHELANGELO DA LADAVICO BUONARROTI - revolutionary sculptor, painter and architect. reinvigorated classism
  • RAPHAEL - foremost renaissance designer noted for decorative innovations
  • 16th century - birth of renaissance'
  • FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI - first renaissance architect
  • LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI - ten books on architecture, inspired by vitruvius, became a bible of renaissance architecture
  • MANNERISM - style of late renaissance
  • CHURCH, PALAZZO, VILLA - building typologies
  • LATE RENAISSANCE - 1525-1600, mannerism
  • MANNERISM - reaction against the classical perfection of the high renaissance
  • RINASCIMENTO - renaissance perion in italy is known as
  • GIACOMO BAROZZI DA VIGNOLA - He is the author of "the five orders of architecture" and the papal architect to pope julius III
  • FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI - he is the leading architect of the florentine early renaissance. he also designed the duomo of florence cathedral
  • HIGH RENAISSANCE - it witnessed the pinnacle of classical simplicity and harmony in ranaissance art and architecture
  • MANNERISM - the style of the late renaissance from 1520s - 1600s
  • DONATO BRAMANTE - he started the st peters cathedral
  • QUATTROCENTO - in architecture was marked by widely diverging tendencies in the work of Michelangelo, Giulio Romano, Baldassare Peruzzi and Andrea Palladio, that led to the Baroque style in which the same architectural vocabulary was used for very different rhetoric.
  • Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni - The Last Judgement is a fresco painting covering the whole altar wall of the Sistine Chapel. Who painted it?
  • Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino - La Belle Jardinière, also known as the Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist, is a painting started by the Italian High Renaissance artist ____________________, and finished by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio.
  • Leonardo da Vinci - The Vitruvian Man is drawn by ______ in 1490s. It is inspired by the writings of Vitruvius who is an ancient Roman architect. It represents ideal body proportions.
  • Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi - This is the bronze David carved by __________, an Italian Early Renaissance sculptor. This bronze remains his most famous work, and was made for a secular context, commissioned by the Medici family.
  • FLORENCE - the birth place of the renaissance
  • Leon Battista Alberti - He studied Vitruvius' treaties and theory and formalized De Re Aedificatoria.