If Lime Water turns cloudy, Carbon Dioxide is present, hence the compound is a carbonate
How do you test for Sulfate ions?
Add Dilute Hydrochloric Acid to remove any impurities (Carbon Dioxide - Reacts with Barium ions)
Add Barium Chloride Solution
If White precipitate ions form, Sulfate ions are present
What do you do to test for Halide Ions?
Add Dilute Nitric Acid to remove any impurities (Like Carbon Dioxide) [Nitric Acid is used instead of Dilute Hydrochloric Acid because the Chlorine is already a Halogen, and so will affect the results of the test]
Add Silver Nitrate
If White Precipitate forms - Chloride ions is present
If Cream Precipitate forms - Bromide ions are present
If Yellow Precipitate forms - Iodide ions are present