Minority Influence

Cards (6)

  • Minority Influence
    Requires individuals to reject majority beliefs, changing views through informative social influence
  • Snowball Effect

    Slow starting social change but speeds up once views are spread
  • Minority Influence Behaviours
    • Consistency: confidence in the view, repeating same message
    • Commitment: willing to suffer for their views but still hold them (augmentation principle)
    • Flexibility: appear to consider counter arguement, and slightly compromise
  • (+) A03: Moscovici (1969)

    Supporting Consistency, confederates saying blue slides were green consistently = 8.4%, compared to 1.25% inconsistently
  • (+) A03: Nemeth (1986)

    Supports Flexibility, confiderate with low flexibility = 3 ppts less likely to change their view, compared to if their were flexible
  • (+) A03: Real Life Application
    Supports Commitment, seen in the Gay Rights movement and Suffragettes movement