cancer 1

Cards (34)

  • Cancer
    a group of disorders as a result of accumulation of somatic mutations; Genetic disease
  • Characteristics or Hallmarks of cancer cells
    uncontrolled cell division
    self suffient growth growth
    Defective DNA repair
    capacity to invade surrounding tissue
    induce angiogenesis
  • Cancer
    Multistep process requiring multiple mutations
    results from mutated gene products or abnormally expressed genes
  • Multistep Process That Requires Multiple Mutations
    normal colon epithelium --at 30-50 years APC cause small adenoma--at 40-60 kras cause large adenoma at 50-70 carcinoma developmented
  • Clonal origin
    all cancer cells in primary and secondary tumors are clonal
  • clonal
    originated from a common ancestral cell that accumulated numerous specific mutations
  • Reciprocal translocations and X-inactivation
    demonstrate that cancer cells are clona
  • Reciprocal chromosomal translocations
    : Chronic myeloid leukemia: Reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and 22 • Translocation is present in all tumor cells
  • X-chromosome inactivation
    All cancer cells within a tumor, both primary and metastatic, within one female individual contain the same inactivated X chromosome
  • hierarchial cancer stem cell model
    Tumor cells give rise to cancer stem cells that have capacity for self-renewal
  • Cancer can result from
    increased cell division
    decreased rates of cell death
  • • Cells that stop proliferating enter G0
    Do not grow or divide but are metabolically active (neurons)
  • G1/s checkpoint
    cell monitors size and DNA intergrity
  • G2/M checkpoint
    cell monitor DNA synthesis and damage
  • M checkpoint
    cell monitors spindle formation and attachment to knetochores
  • Cell-cycle is regulated by cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)
    • Levels of cyclin D2 increase at the end of G1 G1/S checkpoint
    Levels of cyclin B increase at the end of G2 phase G2/M checkpoint
  • Cyclin B with CDK
    causes phosphorylation of M phase proteins
    • Overexpression of cyclins or cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs) may result in excessive cell division. can cause cancer
  • • Signal transduction for cell division
    Signal transduction initiates gene expression that propels cell out of G0 and back into cell cycle (Cell is stimulated to divide)
    stimulated by external growth factors
  • Protooncogenes
    code for proteins that have defects in signal transduction pathways involving growth factors.
  • Proto-oncogenes
    Genes whose products promote cell growth and division
    • Transcription factors that stimulate expression of other genes • Signal transduction molecules that stimulate cell division • Cell-cycle regulators that move cell through cell cycle
  • Tumor suppressor genes
    • Regulate cell-cycle checkpoints and/or initiate process of apoptosis
    Mutations in tumor suppressor genes result in uncontrolled cell division
  • DNA repair genes
    • Genes code for proteins involved in DNA repair • Mutations in DNA repair genes increases the risk of cancer
  • Oncogene
    • Mutated proto-oncogene is converted to an oncogene
    gain of function alteration
    dominant phenotype
    on 1 allele need to be mutated to cause cancer
  • Mutated tumor-suppressor genes
    can cause cancer
    loss of function mutation
    • Both copies must be lost to result in cancer (reccesive)
  • Growth factor signal transduction cascade
    Growth factor binds to receptor
    activates ras
    ras activitates downstream proteins
    activates nuclear transcription factor
  • oncogene myc
    gene codes for a transcription factor in the growth factor signaling pathway
    overproduction increase transcription of gene and activate cell division
  • Ras Proto-Oncogene
    GTP binding cytosolic protein
    then triggers downstream signals for cell division
    hydrolysis of GTP inactivated ras
  • Overexpression of ras
    constant activation of cell cycle
  • Mutant ras
    s constantly active (point mutations); Generally, mutant ras loses its GTPase activity and is constitutively active
  • Abl
    protooncogene gene activated in chronic myeloid leukima
    Abl gene on chromosome 9
    Bcr on chromosome 22
    abl moves next to bcr (translocation)
    bcr-abl fusion protein
  • bcr abl fusion protein
    always active
    causes uncontrolled division leading to cancer
  • Gleevec
    inhibits tyrosine kinases
    inhibits bcr-abl fusion protein
  • double minute
    extrachromosomal fragment s of oncogen
  • homegeneous staining region
    multiple copies of oncogene on a chromosome