12.6 Specific immune system

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  • specific immune system - can target a specific pathogen, although it is slower to act
  • specific immune system
    • cellular response
    • humoral response
  • antigens:
    • unique molecules (glycoproteins and glycolipids) found on the surface of cells
    • antigens allow the immune system to distinguish between the body's cells (self) and foreign cells (non-self).
  • antibodies
    • y-shaped glycoproteins made up of 4 polypeptide chains called immunoglobins
    2 heavy chains and 2 light chains
  • antibody:
    • peptide chains are held together by disulphide bridges
    • constant region - same for all antibodies and bind to receptors on cells
    • variable region - different for each antibody as its shape is complementary to a specific antigen
    • hing region - this allows the antibody to be flexible so it can bind to multiple antigens at once
    • antibodies bind to antigens on a lock and key mechanisms, forming an antigen-antibody complex
  • Antibodies role of destroying pathogens:
    • agglutination
    • neutralisation of toxins
    • prevention of pathogens binding
    • antigen-antibody complex acts as an opsonin
  • agglutination of pathogens:
    • causes pathogens carrying antigen-antibody complex to clump together
    • makes it easier for phagocytes to locate pathogens and allows them to engulf a number of pathogens at once. 
    • antibodies also act as opsonins, making pathogens easily recognisable by phagocytes. 
  • Neutralisation of toxins:
    • antibodies act as anti-toxins where they bind to toxins produced by pathogens
    • this binding neutralises (inactivates) the toxin to prevent them damaging body cells
  • Preventing pathogens binding to cells:
    • when antibodies bind to pathogens antigens, they block cell surface receptors needed to bind to host cells
    • this means that the pathogen cannot bind to host cells
  • lymphocytes - a type of white blood cell, that are produced in the bone marrow
    recognise antigen molecules on the surface of pathogens and co-ordinate an immune response against that pathogen
  • B lymphocytes/B cells - mature in the bone marrow. They are involved in the humoral response where they produce antibodies found in body fluids
  • T lymphocytes/T cells - mature in the thymus gland. Involved in the cellular response where they respond to antigens present presented on body cells.
  • Types of T lymphocytes:
    • T helper cells
    • T killer cells
    • T memory cells
    • T regulator cells
  • T helper cells:
    • have CD4 receptors on their surface that bind to complementary antigens on macrophage APC's. 
    • produce interleukins (type of cytokine) which stimulate B cells or phagocytes.
    • stimulate other t-cells like t-killer and t-memory
  • T killer cells
    • These cells destroy the pathogen by producing a chemical called perforin.
    • Perforin makes holes in the cell surface membrane, causing it to become freely permeable and causing cell death. 
  • T memory cells:
    • live for a long time and are part of the immunological memory
    • if they meet an antigen a second time, they divide rapidly to form a hig number of clones of T-killer cells that destroy the pathogen.
  • T regulator cells:
    • These cells suppress the immune system after pathogens have been destroyed.
    • This helps to prevent the immune system from mistakenly attacking the body cells. 
  • Types of B lymphocytes:
    • plasma cells
    • B effector cells
    • B memory cells
  • B lymphocytes:
    • These cells have antibodies on their cell-surface membrane that bind to complementary antigens.
    • On doing so, they engulf the antigens and display them on their cell-surface to become antigen-presenting cells.
    • Once activated, B cells can divide into plasma cells and memory cells. 
  • Plasma cells:
    • produce antibodies to a specific antigen and release them into the circulation
    • short lifespan
  • B effector cells:
    • divide to form plasma cell clones
  • B memory cells:
    • remain in the blood for a long time, providing immunological memory
    • They rapidly divide if the body is re-infected by the same specific pathogen. 
  • stages of cellular response/cell mediated:
    1. Macrophages engulf pathogens and display their antigens on the cell surface. They are now known as antigen-presenting cells (APC's)
    2. T helper cells with complementary receptors bind to these antigens.
    3. T helper cells become activated and produce interleukins (stimulating phagocytosis) and divide by mitosis to form genetically identical clones
    4. cloned T cells develop into T memory cells, T killer cells and stimulate B cells to divide
  • humoral response:
    • response to pathogens found in the blood stream, mainly bacteria and fungal
    • anti-bodies are produced that are soluble in the blood, tissue and lymph fluid
    • B cells have anti-bodies on their surface and will bind to the complementary antigens on pathogens membrane
    • B cells will engulf the pathogen and present the antigen on its surface (APC)
  • Humoral response steps:
    1. B cell engulfs pathogen, presents its antigens on the membrane becomes APC.
    2. Activated T helper cells bind to B cell (APC), activation of this B cell - clonal selection
    3. interleukins produced by activated T helper cells activate B cells
    4. activated B cell divides to form plasma & memory cell clones - clonal expansion
    5. cloned plasma cells produce & secrete specific antibody which is specific to antigen on pathogen's surface.
    6. memory cells circulate blood, ready to divide if the body is re-infected by same pathogen. 
  • clonal selection - The B cell with the correct antibody is selected for cloning (by being activated by a T helper cell).
  • clonal expansion - The division of specific B cells to produce genetically identical clones. 
  • primary immune response - This takes place when the body is exposed to a pathogen for the first time. This response is slow and the infected individual experiences symptoms of the disease. 
  • secondary immune response - This takes place when when the body has been exposed to the same pathogen before. This response is much faster and stronger and pathogens are destroyed before any symptoms appear.
  • autoimmune diseases:
    • Sometimes the immune system cannot recognise 'self' antigens and starts to attack them.
    • leads to the breakdown of healthy tissues
    • immunosuppressant drugs can be used
  • autoimmune diseases
    • type 1 diabetes
    • rheumatoid athriritus
    • lupus
  • type 1 diabetes - autoimmune disease
    • immune system attacks the insulin secreting cells of the pancreas
    • insulin injections, pancreas transplants, immunosuppressant drugs.
  • rheumatoid arthritis - autoimmune disease
    • immune system attacks cells in the joints, causing pain and inflammation
    • no cure
    • anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, immunosuppressants and pain relief
  • lupus - autoimmune disease
    • immune system attacks cells in the connective tissues, causing inflammation. 
    • no cure
    • anti-inflammatory, steroids and immunosuppressants