Old testament containslaw of moses/history of the jewish/writings that includepoetry / prophets the messenger of God
Newtestament contains Gospels,acts of the apostles, history of the earlychurch,letters to encourage and instruct christians and revelation
Why is the Bible important
-bible records jesus'teachings and shows christian's how to live
-it shows jesus' life death and resurrection
why is the bibleimportant
-it contains the tencommandments
Protestantchurches have 39books in the oldtestament and catholic and orthodoxgave47books in the Old testament
There are 27books in the newtestament
st augustine of hippostates the newtestamentlieshiddenintheoldtestament and the oldtestamentisunveiled in the new
catholics rely on the church to correctlyinterpret the bible and to teachthem about god
CCC105 states Godistheauthor of sacredscripture.'Thedivenlyrevealedrealities which are contained and presented in the text of sacredscripture
Fundamentalists believe the literalword of God
Conservatives believe Godinspiredwords but nothisactualwords and Godguidedthem to use their ownideas
liberals believe the bible is wordsaboutGodrather than his words
AllScripture is inspiredbyGodandisusefultoteachuswhatistrue and tomake us realizewhat is wrong in ourlives
Psalm 119:105 states "Yourword is a lamp to myfeet and alighttomypath"
Christian's use extrahelp with the bible like the magisterium and the holyspirit
Protestantsonly use the bible
catholics have apostolictradition
The magisterium is the teachingoffice of the church
The apostles were given their teachingsbyJesus which is handeddown in the Apostolictradition
Jesus gave authority to stpeter which was passed to all the popes through apostolic succession
Matthew 28:18 - All authority in heaven and earth has been giventome.Thereforegotherefore and makedisciplesofallnations
The magisterium is when the popes and bishopsinterpret the bible for moderndaycatholics
Ordinarymagisterium is when bishopsteach what hasalwaysbeentaught
conciliarmagisterium is when there is a council to decide something
pontificalmagisterium is when the popedecided a newteachingusing his power of papalinfallibility
the main themes of VaticanII were ecumenism,religiousfreedom,dialogue with non-believers and the role of laity
Sacredtradition,sacredscripture and the magisterium of the church are so connected and associated that one of themcannotstandwithouttheother-CCC95
The task of interpreting the word of Godauthenticallyhasbeenentrustedsolely to the magisterium of thechurch- CCC 100
Protestant is Sola scriptura
Apostolic succession is important as it means the pope has the same authority Jesus gave peter
There is nohigherauthority for catholics than the magisterium
Why is Magisteriumimportant
it givescatholicsanswers to issues which did not exist in jesus'time
View on Female priests
Pope Francis states the church has spoken but i recognise the need to promote other forms of womens ministry and the role of women as a voice in the church
Pope JohnXXIII called vaticanII to bring the churchuptodate
VaticanII produces fourdocuments
what were documents made me Second Vatican
Light oftheHumanity changed the nature of the churcheverychristianserveschrist in the world not just priests
third document made by the Secondvaticancouncil
Joy and Hopeaddressed the world e.g priortisedpeace,encouragesdialogues with atheists and otherreligions
4thDocument made by the secondvaticancouncil
word of God was about the bible e.g it should be read in locallanguages
Divergent views of the Second council
-catholics saw this as a great relief and encouragement
-some thought the reforms went to far e.g Archbishop Marvel
-some though changes weren't enough and priest should be allowed to be married