Muslims believe God shows mercy to those who truly repent and forgives them of their sins. He is also seen as being merciful to the whole of mankind as well as individuals.
The giving of the Qur'an as a guide to humans is also seen as a great display of God's mercy to all of mankind, and his previous revelations are seen as further evidence of his mercy throughout history.
'Adalat' is the Arabic term for God's Justice. Expresses the Muslim belief that Allah is just and will judge people according to their actions throughout their lifetime, good or bad. Muslims believe Allah sees/knows all and will make a judgement of a person's action with full knowledge.
The goodness of God is shown through his just, fair, and merciful nature, as well as the many blessings he bestows upon people. The goodness of God is referred to 57 times throughout the Qur'an.
Allah's beneficence is shown in the way He sent Prophets as guides to the right path, so He's compassionate and humans have free will to follow His path. It can also be seen in his gift to humans of life on earth.
The Qur'an states that God is as close to man as his jugular vein – which, if cut, will end their life. This is the idea that God is integral to what it means to be a living human, and that he can't be removed from what it means to be alive.
God is divine, and our language is that of humans, hence we are unable to see how both qualities can be held because in our concept, language, and dimension they could not be.
Immanence means being involved in the world and active in it; transcendence is being beyond space and time. These are opposite qualities, so this is impossible by definition.
People's experience of the world and the God is of him being immanent or transcendent, not both. Suffering and the experience of humans in the world now suggests God is transcendent.
Muslims believe God is completely and utterly powerful, able to make all things and control all things. This is referred to in the Arabic term 'al-Qadeer' which refers to the power of God. Muslims believe that all that happens takes place because God wills it (inshallah).
God's omnipotence is a complicated idea because of the presence of evil and suffering. There are certain things that God chooses not to do and is 'unable' to do, such as lie.