Hamlet A05

Cards (17)

  • "Hamlet was in love with his mother and inhibited from killing his rival"
  • Hamlet is obliged to act on the spur of the moment"
  • "Drowning was a typically feminine death"
  • "All duties seem holy for Hamlet"
  • "Gertrude's marriage provided a violent shock to [Hamlet's] moral being which caused him to sink into melancholy"
    A C Bradley
  • "Ophelia is deprived of thought, sexuality and language..she represents the strong emotions that the Elizabethans thought womanish"
  • Use of CCTV which moved with the action suggested Denmark was under Claudius' repressive police state
    2001 play, directed by Steven Pimlott
  • "Hamlet is...rather an instrument than an agent"
    • "We can imagine Hamlet's story without Ophelia, but Ophelia literally has no story without Hamlet"
  • Helen Mirren plays Gertrude AND Ophelia - shows lack of female presence
    Hamlet played by twins David and Anthony Meyer = duality, Hamlet's doubts and uncertainties are magnified into a literally split personality' (Emma Smith)
    1976 Film, directed by Celestino Coronado
  • Freudian representation of the play: Hamlet kiss his mother on the lips - Oedipus complex
    Striking cinematography e.g. camera 'zooming in' to give illusion of entering Hamlet's head at beginning of soliloquy
    1948 Film, Directed By + Laurence Oliver as Hamlet
  • "Hamlet is an element of evil in the state of Denmark"
  • only piece of scenery was a black woven curtain that engulfed characters. it stalked and attacked hamlet so he had to avoid it while on stage representing his detoriating psyche/ mental state and his constant dithering
    Lyubimov production 1971
    • claudius higher power
    • ophelia shot herself with gun
    southwark playhouse 2023
  • claudius is a man of action in contrast to hamlet a man of words.
    • women wore white representing purity and virginial self - reinforcing patrichal societal values
    • Claudius wore red signifying his impurityand the blood he's shed and corruption in denmark
    • hamlet wore black to act as a barier to claudius' and gertrudes marriage and due to hus morning
    • everything covered in snow reflecting claudius' disguised corruption of denmark
    kenneth braunnaugh 1996
  • portrays claudius as cunning and lecherous