taking part in debates

Cards (4)

  • Taking Part in Debates
    1. MPs and MSPs make short speeches about the issue
    2. Urge their fellow MPs or MSPs to vote either for or against the motion
  • Debates can bring attention to a little-known topic, or put pressure on the Government to listen to what people have to say
  • Debate in June 2020

    • Labour held an 'Opposition Day debate on extending the Free School Meals scheme over the Summer holidays
    • Inspired by Manchester United striker Marcus Rashford's plea to the government to do this
    • Many Conservative MPs were planning on supporting a motion that criticised the government for refusing to extend the scheme
    • To avoid this, the government made a U-Turn and agreed to extend the scheme
  • Importance of debates

    • They do not actually lead to any change in the law
    • Even if there is unanimous support for a motion, the Government doesn't have to do anything about it
    • Can turn into MPs scoring political points off one another, rather than actually debating the matter at hand
    • Most debates get little coverage in the media, and don't really change anything