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  • Sound waves are produced by vibrating or oscillating objects and are transmitted faster in solids than liquids and gases because solid particles are very close to one another.
  • the speed of sound in gases is affected by temperature. As the temperature increases, the speed of molecules also increases. As a result, molecules collide more frequently, thereby transmitting the disturbance more quickly.
  • The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye.
  • the wavelength and frequency of light are inversely proportional
  • The separation of visible light into its constituent colours is called dispersion.
  • Refraction of light is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another.
  • Heat transfers from a higher temperature to a lower temperature.
  • the absorbed light is emitted or released in different directions - Scattering of light
  • Convection
    refers to the transfer of thermal energy by the movement of fluids.
  • The transmission of thermal energy by conduction which
    occurs in solids and fluids (gases and liquids), but the effect is more evident in solids. 
  • Radiation
    is the transfer of thermal energy by electromagnetic waves. 
  • Electricity is the movement of electrons.
  • Current - is a flow of electric charge in a circuit.
  • Materials  that allow current to flow easily are called conductors
  • those that do not allow current to flow are called insulators
  • Electric current is represented by the symbol I.
  • The unit used to express current is ampere (A).
  • A device called ammeter is used to measure current.
  • Just like any object, a charge is put into motion by an unbalanced force.  This unbalanced force is greater by voltage or potential difference.
  • The charge flows when there is a difference in electrical potential between two points in a circuit. The direction of flow is from a place of higher potential to a place of lower potential.
  • The voltage created by an electrical source is called electromotive force (EMF).
  •  Voltage or potential difference is measured using a device called voltmeter. Voltage is expressed in volts (V).
  • The opposition to the flow of electric charge is called resistance (R).
  • Resistance is expressed in ohms whose symbol is Ω, the Greek capital letter omega.
  • An ohmmeter is an electrical instrument that measures electrical resistance.
  • Current - The rate at which charge is flowing.
  • Voltage - The pressure from an electrical circuit’s power source that pushes charged electrons through a conducting loop. Difference of charges between two points.
  • Resistance - A material’s tendency to resist the flow of charge.
  • Current - I - A
    Voltage - V
    Resistance - R - Ω
  • Ohm’s law states that the flowing current in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance.
  • I=V/R = I=V/R = V/R
  • charge is represented by the amount of water
  • voltage is represented by the water pressure
  • current is represented by the water flow
  • resistance is represented by the pipes
  • The path in which the electrons flow is cut when the switch is turned off, the path is open (open circuit). 
  • the switch is turned on, therefore, the path is closed (closed circuit).
  • An electric circuit is consists of the following:
    • a source of electrical power (dry cell, battery,  household wall outlets, electric generator from power plants);
    • a load that needs electrical power to operate or resistance (electric bulb, any device or appliance), and;
    • a conductive path (wires or printed etches on a circuit board).
  • The diagram that describes a circuit is called a schematic diagram.
  • Schematic diagram
    A) single dry cell
    B) connecting wire
    C) open switch
    D) battery
    E) resistor
    F) closed switch