International Organisations: Global and Local

Cards (71)

  • Why more trade?
    Liberalisation, political choice not an accident
    Free movement of capital is main motivation for globalisation
  • Problem of wide definitions
    A concept that includes everything explains nothing
  • Thom Friedman
    World is flat: technology + neoliberalism, no reason for innovations to effect differently
  • Valleys and Mountains
    No replacement for geography, more likely to trade with neighbours
  • Importance of liberalism
    Initial liberalism period = start of global system
  • Third wave of globalisation

    First to include whole world, not all peoples or areas are equally affected
  • Deglobalisation
    Bringing production closer to home, explained by lockdown, global financial crisis
  • Who is unhappy with globalisation?
    Western middle class, receive the least globalisation hence Trump and Brexit
  • Retreat of the state
    Globalisation having adverse effects, states in 'race to the bottom'
  • Growth of the state
    compensation hypothesis -> significantly more expenditure on welfare institutions
  • Weak State
    USA, Federal government does nothing eg. no welfare state
  • Strong state
    China, collective capabilities
  • International organisation
    Process of institutionalisation among states
    The way the International realm is organised
  • International Organisations
    Formal intergovernmental bureaucracies with physical manifestations
    Create obligaitons and rules
    Most ARE international institutions
  • International Institution
    Broader, formal AND informal regularised behaviour
    Any set of rules that regulate or help redirect behaviuour
  • International Regime
    Implicit or explicit principles around which expectations coverge
    IOs integral but not only part
  • 4 threats to nation-states
    Capitalism, environment danger, identity politics, post-nuclear geopolitics
  • Principal of legal equality
    all legally equal w/ equal weighting of votes
  • Diffuse reciprocity
    All members benefit roughly the same + roughly as important
  • Concert of Europe 1815
    Regional framework of rules w/ no formal organisation
  • Hague System 1899 + 1907
    How to deal w/ rising German powers, Europeans and Non-Europeans treated differently
  • Direct Obligations
    Black and white law, treaty a nation signs
  • Indirect Obligations
    Black and white law, any laws not in initial treaty
  • Compliance
    Based on incentives rather than force normally (subtle effects)
  • Enforcement
    based on incentives rather than force (subtle effects)
  • Legitimacy/Authority
    Need legitimacy to have authority, legitimacy backed by consent
  • 'internal' legitimacy
    Structure, processes and actions fulfil normative criteria, more transparent + normative = more legitimacy
  • External Consent
    More countries accept the IO, the more legitimate it is
  • Output Legitimacy
    Ability of an IO to achieve normatively desirable outcomes
  • Process legitimacy
    The way an IO exercises power and how decisions are made
  • Structural legitimacy
    The right institution for the right job
  • Isomorphic Mimicry
    Emulation of perceived good practices -> All IOs tend to look and work the same
  • Multilateralism
    Coordinating relations among 3 or more states in accordance w/ certain principles, norms + institutions matter -> proving that cooperation is possible over competition
  • US Hegemony
    Multilateralism cannot exist without hegemonic power, someone has to be backing up policy, reflection of US post-WW2
  • Pre-1914 world economy
    Centres and their colonies: Gold standard, convertible money
  • 1914 - 1945 world economy
    reduction of trade volume, nationalism and protectionism
  • Bretton Woods 1945 - '70
    Goal is to be stable, enduring international economic order, avoid mistakes of the 1920s, WTO, IMF and World Bank
    Revival of Europe, collapse when USA abandons system, national interest rates linked
  • Washington Consensus post '70s
    Thatcher + Raegan -> Neoliberal economics, liberating of capital
    IO's goal of creating global capitalism, promoting free tracde, all life not just markets
  • International Monetary Fund
    Stable exchange rates, balance of payments, structural adjustment policy, developmental economies, near universal, weighted voting = US veto, lender of last resort, only informal enforcements eg. political influencce, borrower countries gain agency, can refuse to repay
  • World Bank
    Development + Infrastructure, don't wait for crisis, low-income/poorest countries, infrastructure -> fallout of IMF policy, poverty reduction, relies on reputation for enforcement