
Cards (25)

  • The Road Not Taken is a well-known poem by Robert Frost and it is about making choices in our life
  • The road
    Symbolizes our life and the path that we don't choose
  • We should be wise while making a decision as we cannot undo them and our life is determined by our choices
  • The poet's experience
    1. Strolling down the road
    2. Came to a junction
    3. Could only walk on one of the pathways
    4. After much deliberation, chose to follow a different path
  • The two roads
    • Appeared equally good
    • One was a grassy road that appeared less travelled
  • The poet chose the less travelled path
    Realized it was a better path for him
  • The poet recognized after a short way on the road that both paths were alike
  • The poet felt that his future depended on the decision he took, and that if he went further on the chosen path, he would not be able to turn back
  • The poem communicates that the decisions we make have a big influence on our future
  • We can't go back in time and change our minds if we make the incorrect decision
  • The poem encourages us to be careful when making life decisions
  • When making decisions, one should be very intelligent and attentive since our decisions determine our destiny
  • One wrong mistake might cause us to regret it for the rest of our lives
  • Robert Frost: 'The Road Not Taken'
  • Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
    The poet was standing at a road with a fork
  • The poet could not travel on both roads
    He had to choose one path
  • The poet looked down one road as far as he could to where it bent in the undergrowth
  • The other road
    Was grassy and wanted wear, though the passing there had worn them really about the same
  • The poet took the other road, as just as fair, because it was grassy and wanted wear
  • The traveller finds himself at a fork in the road and faces the problem of having to choose one path
  • Phrases from the poem
    • a yellow wood
    • it was grassy and wanted wear
    • the passing there
    • leaves no step had trodden black
    • how way leads on to way
  • There is no significant difference between the two roads as the poet describes them in stanzas two and three, and in the last two lines of the poem
  • The last two lines of the poem mean that the poet accepts the choice he has made, even though he may wonder about the path not taken
  • The poem encourages the reader to carefully consider their choices, as the decisions we make can have a significant impact on our lives
  • Even after making a choice, it is natural to wonder about the path not taken, but the wise course of action is to accept the reality of the choice made