He is the father of all human beings and was created by Allah out of clay
He was the first person to learn to plant seeds, harvest crops and cook food. God revealed to him the food that Muslims are allowed to eat, how to repent for wrongdoing and how to bury the dead
The Qur'an: 'Muhammad is God'smessenger and the seal of the prophets. He was the finalprophet who gave the message of Islam and ensured it was unchanged thereafter.'
The Qur'an: 'God taught Adam all the names (of things). Adam was the 'caretaker' of the earth and Allah taught him everything including the ability to learn, to reason and to make choices.'
The Qur'an: 'Do good, and follow the religion of Ibrahim… God took Ibrahim as a friend. Ibrahim is a role model because of his obedience to God, his kindness and compassion, and refusal to worship idols.'