individuals in a given society agree on basicvalues and on what is inherently right and wrong
Conflict theory
Views society divided between groups with different amounts of power
rules which guide the behavior of the members of a society
the widely accepted ideas,beliefs, and attitudes about what is important, which guide the way we live
Social action theories
See individuals as having freewill and choice, and the power to shape society through their actionsandinteractions
Primary socialisation
Norms and values taught to a child within thefamily
Secondary socialisation
the process of learningnormsandvalues that is provided by school,peers,work, media etc.
Emile Durkheim
Considered the father of sociology and a major proponent of functionalism
Agencies of socialisation
institutions through which individuals learn the normsandvalues of a society
a functionalist thinker who emphasised the importance of socialisation for understanding our behaviour and creating valueconsensus
The belief that society is like a humanbody with interdependent parts that work together to maintain its survival
Agreement amongst members of a society on what values are important, a shared culture.
the social ties that bind a group of people together such as kinship, sharedlocation, and religion
The idea that people's behavior is shaped by factors outside of their control and not as a result of freewill
Manifest Functions
The recognized and intendedconsequences of any socialinstitution
Latent Functions
The unrecognized and unintendedconsequences of a social institution
Means of Production
Factories,machines,tools etc - things that allow for the creation of goods and wealth
an economic system based on the private ownership of capital/the meansofproduction
Those who are able to gaincontrol of the means of production
Marx's term for the exploited class - the workers who do not own the means of production
Class inequality
the unequal distribution of wealth,power, and opportunitiesforadvancement
the process whereby a worker is made to feel foreign to the products of his/her own labor.
The debate surrounding whether innate characteristics or environmental factors contribute more to a person's actions
False class consciousness
Marx's term to refer to workers identifying with the interests of capitalists as they do not realise the extentoftheirexploitation
Institutions of the state which spread ruling class ideology ideology and justify power of the bourgeoise
Marxist thinker associated with the ideologicalstateapparatus which uses social institutions to oppress the working class by spreading ruling-class ideology.
the belief that human behavior and relationships are ultimately caused by differences in economic factors and disparities in wealth
Concentration of ownership
occurs when a few wealthy individuals have a monopoly of an industry (e.g. controlling many media outlets)
Dominant ideology
a set of culturalbeliefs and practices that helps to maintain the social, economic, and political interests of the ruling-classes
gaining the awareness of one's rank in society
an economic system in which all means of production - are owned by the people, private property does not exist, and all goods and services are shared equally
a society in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it
First Wave Feminism
started in the mid-1800s when women demanded the right to vote
Second Wave Feminism
Women's rights movement that revived in the 1960s demanded equal rights for women in employment, education, controlling their own bodies, etc.
Third Wave Feminism
evolved into the 1990s as an extension of the shortcomings of the second wave
Fourth Wave Feminism
Feminist movement that began in the 21stcentury - often uses technology to empower women and celebrate their achievements
Hashtag activism
using socialmedia, especially Twitter as a form of political engagement to raise awareness of an issue (e.g. #MeToo)
the sociallyconstructed roles and characteristics by which a culture defines male and female
the biological differences that distinguish males from females
Liberal Feminism
Believes gender inequality is produced by unequalaccess to civil rights and seeks solutions through changes in legislation